
Oh creepy.....the whistling guy walking past Jacob (after he ran away from the hospital) was the guy that hitched a ride to town to be with his kids. As if he was with Jacob "out there".

What was the mother throwing away when Jacob asked for another grilled cheese? Looked like a lot of something.....maybe french fries?
When Maggie first listened, then heart beat was there;
I felt it was added because someone realized it was forgotten.
That however he got there didn't know it was needed.

I read in my last week Sunday paper show is set for 8 weeks
and based on a book.

I'll be taping this one and Believe tonight. I wonder how
they will do against Good Wife (I don't watch that one).
I cannot tape anything, so am going to be really torn. Can you see me flipping channels between commercials?
I really want to watch them both, and am very upset they are on opposite each other. Gave up on the Good wife a while back, (it was just renewed)
we have to hope one network moves a show to another night :)

I just checked my Sat schedule. Neither one listed. Maybe we should go
to the NBC & ABC Facebook page or each shows page and let them know fix problem
I was more taken with Resurrection. I might watch Believe online at Both shows were repeated over the weekend.
Have to say, the 2nd episode did not disappoint at all. And from the looks on the faces, I am wondering if that coffin is empty.
I wonder what that guy Maggie confronted after waiting for him to come home.....was talking to when he went inside and said "she found us"
And I am totally shocked at Caleb evidently attacking some man, apparently a cohort in a crime of long ago. And then the previews for next week......Oh, wow. Talk about edge of seat.
This show is getting to be really spooky.

The boy is a bit off, but he intrigues me.

The "whistler" (returned father of the blond girl and her disabled brother) scares the beejeebers out of me.

The bald guy that had the affair with "Aunt Barbara" (Maggie's mother) is another one that is just plain strange even though he isn't a "returner".
The "whistler" is Caleb. I thought when he was digging that big hole, he was looking for the urn with his ashes. lol. Especially when he evidently hit metal. But am guessing it was either money, jewels, gold bars??? from whatever crime he & that other man committed long ago.)

It appears another person appears from the dead next week. Shiver is right.
I figure that Aunt Barbara has to make an appearance sometime since they've talked about her from the beginning. Other than that, they don't give a lot of clues about who else might return to Arcadia.

The big hole that Caleb was digging looked to be what is dug for a coffin burial. It had me confused being they said he was cremated.
Maybe there IS a coffin there..........that hole was huge and was the size of a grave.
That is exactly what I thought as well......
I just saw the show. I don't think Maggie's mom died.
They just said she did because she ran off.

I thought at first Caleb dug up a body, but I
guess he and someone else robbed a bank or something.
Interesting he had note daughter put in pocket in the Bible.
His whistling is really bothering me

Not surprised there was a cliffhanger at end when they
looked in Jacob's coffin :)
Oh, Maggie's mom, though, could have come back already, but came back to HIM. And he has not said anything.

When they opened that tomb, it has two coffins....and maybe they will look in the other one, as well. ???
I hope we find out later about Maggie's mom. It would be
interesting if she came back like Jacob and didn't go back
to her husband.