
Gonna have to watch it online......I watched Believe. I don't see it being repeated by ABC this week. At least so far.
All I'm going to say is......OH MY GOD!!!!! I jumped off the couch a few times during the show, and I could only stare with my mouth hanging open at the ending.

The two networks definitely hurt Resurrection and Believe by pitting them against each other. They each would have had stellar ratings if slotted at different times on Sunday or on different nights.
I was crying about Rachel, then the ending I was crying "happy" tears.

This Sunday last one.
Great episode last night. Not surprised about the end.

I'll wait until others post before I say more about it.

It does make you think about things. What would people do
if people come back like that?
That sheriff is one mean son of a gun. His little spiteful revenge play really backfired on him. I laughed when he put his wedding ring back on.

What's with all of the dead bugs at the edge of town? Looked like the 17 year cicadas we get here. Maybe they were supposed to be locusts?
That helicopter looked like a giant bug as it came towards Bellamy and Jacob when they were standing by all of the dead bugs.

WHOA! Bellamy has the crescent shaped birthmark.
I guess if people can come back, so can bugs????

Yes, Bellamy had the birthmark. But the family talked about
the grandfather letting them sleep in the factory. Does this mean
Bellamy is a returnee too, but came back sooner.

Great seeing the woman church member find someone she lost

Yep, the sheriff is hateful. I'm glad the soldiers picked up
his men before they started shooting people.
Thought the family said they lost their son when they died in the flood. Doesn't necessarily mean that the son with the birthmark died. He could've been rescued by someone.

I was waiting for the mean church lady to walk over and slap her instead of hugging her. This show sure was full of surprises, twists, and turns last night.
I also watched...and yes. they could not find their son (Robert?) when the flood came. So, since it was so many years ago, that boy could be all grown up now, right?

All those people, some returning from 100 years ago. Egads.

As to those bugs, when this series first started I made mention of "the Pod people". Old movie wherein aliens were taking over the bodies of humans, and when they had, there were pea pods on the floor or somewhere. The movie was called "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".
So...all those dead bugs could be something similar. They are all coming to Arcadia, arent' they? And the bugs are right outside the city limits.
I know what they said about dying in flood, but what year was it?
I got confused when they talked about the grandfather letting
them stay in the factory.

JS, ABC will have it online. There are other places too
Interesting theory about the bugs Poirot.
rs, were those locusts casing at the end? I thought of cicadas. Aren't those
the ones that come back every so many years?
Thought the family said they lost their son when they died in the flood. Doesn't necessarily mean that the son with the birthmark died. He could've been rescued by someone.

I was waiting for the mean church lady to walk over and slap her instead of hugging her. This show sure was full of surprises, twists, and turns last night.
That's what I thought too, the son was rescued from the flood and probably adopted by someone and it is Bellamy.
You know, maybe I am thinking of a similar story on Rod Serling's Twilight Zone...because I keep seeing (in my mind) a darkened bedroom, with a pea pod on the floor. But I know it had to do with taking over the person.

Anyway, that is what I am thinking about those bug carcasses. I mean, they crunched when stepped on.