Showdown of the Century-Sami vs Abby!!!

But there is such a thing as going too far with revenge.
Agreed, but who is to say how far is too far? It seems to me that would be up to the person who has been "wronged." We can call Sami "over the top" all we want, but it ain't over 'til Sami says it's over. Sure, I think (and hope) it will come back to bite Sami in her little DiMera derrière, and I'll be looking forward to that one. In the meantime, I'm satisfied to let the twit enjoy it while she can.

GrkPebbles, Post #56: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
What I thought was funny about the Ninja Turtle line was the way
Abby said to Sami. She mentioned Raphael, "not the Ninja Turtle"
like maybe Sami mentioned that in their conversations :)

I'm glad Abby stood up for herself finally. I'm glad she didn't do
in public like Sami has done. Keep it private.
I am sticking up for Abby for two reasons. One, Will was right - Sami has been the cheater and is no worse than Abby. She cheated on Rafe with EJ. Two, Abby isn't the only guilty party.

Yes, Sami has taken over EJ's role in the company and taken over as co-habitator of the mansion but this campaign she is on now is a total smear campaign. She didn't just want to reveal Abby as a cheater, she is out to destroy her. She has no alliance with Anne but she knows how much Anne hates Abby and Jennifer so she purposely blabbed all to Anne (The Salem Pipeline).

I also do not think it was right for Sami to use her Aunt in this situation either. I would think this would be an HR matter or a grievance issue. Sami would have gotten a lot more sympathy had she not been as vengeful.
Sami is on the verge of being comical ..I say verge because it is not funny how she is treating Abby, but is making herself look pathetic. She rants and snarks on and on at on about Abby. It's so Pot meet Kettle, yet Sami has done SO much more over the years and looks totally clueless ranting on and on. When it comes to herself she has amnesia ....ok, "selective memory" :)
If we're comparing notes, by the time Sami was Abby's age, she'd drugged her sister's boyfriend and lied about having his baby (was really his brother's), then tried to marry him out of the same lie. Makes Abby's little fling seem pretty tame by comparison, so the head start thing is moot.

As to the showdown, it's more like a snoredown. Abby stands up to Sami, Sami snarks, Abby's already getting over it.
LOL, there seemed to be no end to Sami's teen shenanigans...she did run away to Calif for a few months (returning pregnant with Will. She already had drugged Austin to make him think she was Carrie and have sex, also had sex with Lucas.
Sami just refuses to look in the mirror as she "makes Abby pay".
Has she been to see her mom, support her in the vigil by John? Has she even asked about him? Has she kept herself apprised of Eric's life, trip to Rome? What about Brady?

And as good as Rafe has always been to her, she reveled in imparting the info to Jordan that would cause problems. Oh, when it comes to who has led a more "colorful" life up to a certain age, Sami wins hands down. :(
Maybe I misheard but that's what I thought she said

EDIT by me I went to check to make sure.

Sami: I found them in Stefano's safe while I was cleaning house :rotfl:
Yes Sami has a colorful past, but that doesn't mean she isn't in pain over this. And to answer Poirot's questions about has Sami been there for John, Eric or Brady; only Marlena and Roman went to see Sami after the reveal and neither has been back. So they are just as absent in her life as she is being in theirs.

None of them are really interested in her and they haven't been for years. The biggest shame of it is that the writers chose to erase that John and Sami had made up, and restarted their old issues. The only person in Sami's corner is Kate.