Showdown of the Century-Sami vs Abby!!!

Kate is in Sami's corner to accomplish her own goals for herself. But I also think Kate has the kids in mind. And here's the interesting angle... If Will publishes his story, he's going to screw over Kate in the process and cause major problems.

I also don't doubt for a second that EJ was just playing victim to Will to gain his sympathies and I wouldn't be surprised if EJ has knowledge of the article. Also if Will does the hatchet job article, including information that was only divulged in private family conversations, will anyone ever want to hire him to do a story if he is willing to burn his own family in one?
Sami doesn't deserve consolation though, and should have known her family wasn't going to give it to her. Everyone tried until they were blue in the face to tell her how slimy EJ is. She was so desperate for a relationship, she didn't care. All he had to do was turn on the charm to convince her they were all wrong.

Regardless, John being in a coma should have taken precedent over Sami's (imaginary) pity party, but no... Classic, selfish Sami.
I find it hard to believe she was genuinely in love with EJ. I think this "hurt" she claims to have is more to hide the embarrassment that everyone was right. I've said elsewhere and don't care to repeat it; she never took the time to get over Rafe. She might think she loved EJ, but I sincerely have never seen the "in love" from her.
Sami was completely in love with Rafe. In her time with him she matured, she put her children before herself and became the best she has ever been. The family they became was the whole package. I don't know why tptb decided to ruin what Sami fans had waited almost 20 years for.
I liked her with Lucas and with Rafe, but differently. Sami and Lucas did some bad things, even to one another, when together. At the same time, they truly understood each other and always came back to each other. Sami did grow up with Rafe, and I loved them together, but he is just too good for Sami and I don't feel he understands her the way Lucas does.

I agree with Harley, Sami has never truly loved EJ. She never got over Rafe, she let her ego inflate and went to EJ when Rafe would not kiss her butt (as EJ always did). She lied to herself and everyone that she loved EJ, belonged with him, because she had to convince herself that the daddy of two of her kids had changed, she made the right choice in reuniting with him instead of realizing he was the same sleezebag he always has been, and she wanted a man in her bed. Now she must pay for those consequences by alienating everyone and knowing she will probably never have Rafe's heart again.