Summary poll

If we went with a "Today in Salem" summary on a daily basis, your feeling is

  • Love the idea - anytime is fine

    Votes: 149 84.7%
  • Like it, but day late would be a bummer

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • Unnecessary, I will have watched already

    Votes: 8 4.5%
  • If not a Day Ahead, why bother?

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • Don't mind skipped days

    Votes: 8 4.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 0.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Last night I probably spent an hour and 1/2 trying to get my VCR to record first on Direct TV (which I could not do) and then NBC, which I think I finally managed, tho the picture quality is not all that good. I have to tape, even when watching live, because of the interuptions, phone, etc. which is why I loved watching so early in the a.m. with breakfast.
Days comes on at 1 p.m. Central here, which means, ending at 2, it could not possibly be typed up and posted until late afternoon, perhaps by 3:00 - 4 p.m. I know by then, many of you will already have seen the show.
Also, there are some days I am gone a good part of the day, (i.e. I bowl Wednesday afternoons, and there are some Fridays, and one Tuesday a month that I just am not home. This means either I could not do a summary, or it could not be posted until the next a.m., making it a day late, actually. :(

What I am saying is my daily schedule is erratic, so the summaries would also be sort of helter skelter. I already have gotten mail from folks who came here in the a.m. and found the summary was not posted and it was already 8:30 a.m. So I just want folks to know upfront, that IF I begin a daily "today" summary, it won't neccessarily be posted at the same time every day, and could possibly not get posted until the next day.

So.......what do you think? Could you live with it? Would you rather just watch. Would/could you fill in for me on occasion if I really got up against it??? You can vote for more than one option, if you so choose.

I can live with whatever you can contribute. I seldom get to watch so this is how I keep up. Even when I get an opportunity to watch I sometimes just read it here because I enjoy this site so much.

OK OK ...

My name is Heidi and I am a Salem Spectatoroholic. There I said it. Maybe someone here can come up with a 12 Step Program for some of us that disparately need it. :D

na na nana na... I got to vote first!
Whatever you can manage will be appreciated. I hope it doesn't get to be a hardship. Thank you for everything you have done and whatever you can manage in the future.

I have never posted before here(or anywhere on the web for that matter) First let me say that I love the way you all are one big family and that I have enjoyed reading your summarys for a very long time and I really appreciate everything you do!! To think that someone in this day and age takes the time out of their busy life to do this for a group of people you don't know and probably never will says alot about you!! Thank you!!!!:smile:
N.H., I think a lot of us need that 12 step program. :)

I also am grateful for anything you come up with, Poirot. I record from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Central time but usually don't watch until 4:00 or later so I'd probably get to read the prevue before the show on days when you are able to post it. Sounds like it isn't going to be as relaxed and enjoyable for you this way so you shouldn't put yourself through the wringer when it's not convenient to do it. After all, you DO have a life apart for this board, even if we have come to anticipate your being there for us. :hug:
I voted for the first option, Love the idea anytime is fine. Even though I tape the show, it’s reading your summaries that really give them meaning, it’s like discussing the show with friends in real life. I don’t know anyone in my real life who watches the soaps so I look forward to coming here reading your thoughts and summaries.

You always spice them up in a way that’s interesting and thought provoking and I always wind up going back and re-watching after I read your summaries. There is always something that you put in your summaries that I’ve somehow missed. You do so much for us here and I don’t think you know just how much we really appreciate all your blood and sweat given in an effort to keep us in the know with our favorite soap.
Any time you post would be good for me cuz I usually don't get to watch it. I would miss it but on the other hand, you have a life too. You should not be tied down to us. We appreciate the offer but if you find it is a hassel WE would understand if you stopped. I'd miss them but understand.:(
Thanks for all you have done for us now it's time to enjoy your free time. We love ya.:smile:
Nurse Hamster

Thank you!! Nurse Hamster! This is exactly what I mean about this board.:smile:
PLEASE post daily summaries - even if they are a day late - you're my only link to Days - and I've followed it for 25 years! I'd be so grateful.
Even if it is posted the day of it is better than no post at all. I love how you put your spin on it and then everybodies lists their opinions or after thoughts of the show. I do not get to watch the show often and my VCR and cable box -well I can not figure out how to record. Too much hassle! Maybe I am too lazy. Just don't quit!!!
Anytime is fine w/me.............that is, if it's not too much of a hardship on you! As you can tell, and I have said before; We all love you and what you do for us and remember............................."You never have to say you're sorry!!!!!"

I record on NBC (which doesn't tape on Tues.) and Soap Net (which doesn't tape on Tues. or Thurs.) and don't usually watch until midnight w/my Cockatiel - she's a daysoholic too - LOL. She whistles when I am fast forwarding through the commercials - she wants to watch the show - so funny - :)!! She knows it's bedtime after the show. I will just have to watch on Tuesdays when I am home on Tuesdays & if you should post at any time, I can catch it then encase I have a doctor's appt., etc.

I love all the interactions of the members of the board after reading the summary, and would definitely miss that not to mention your wonderful, humorous, delightful, detailed, summaries. :clap: :clap: :clap:
No matter when you can post it, I'm sure it would be welcome. As others said, a huge part of having the summary, even if a day late, are the comments and interactions of the posters.

I appreciate whatever you can do.
Poirot what ever you come up with for a Daily Days would be great. We just want to get our Daily Days Buzz no matter how and on this site. Like one poster on this thread said you put your on spin on the story when you write it and it lets us put our spin also. We love how everyone is so friendly here and that means alot because I have been to other sites that are not that nice to each other. So thank you for all the hard work both you and Wayne put into making the Salem Spectator the best Days site on the net.

Check my tv guide in cable and there is no show on Monday here is says we have Golf (yepie). I'm in Detroit Michigan. You all have a good weekend.:)
Love reading your summary! I have been a reader for several years now but have never registered prior to now. Thanks for all your service!
I'm a long time reader, since the Early Edition, but a first time poster. I chose the first option in the poll. I'm one of the lucky ones that can watch the show every day, but most of the time I just read your summaries. I've been watching Days since the first show when I was in junior high school. While I was still working, I wasn't able to keep up with all of the hours that I taped and so I read your days ahead and watched the show when it looked like a good one. Now, even though I have the time, I'd still rather read what you've written. Anything you choose to do is more than fine with me.
Just had to put in my two cents!

Hi everyone. I've been lurking in the background for a few months now and really had no intention of ever saying anything .. BUT .. this is a very important issue. I am 60 years old and have been watching Days since I was 17 (yes, Hope was not even a glint in anyone's eye yet)! I love this show through good and bad, boring and not so boring, etc. etc. What I'd like to say is this .. since I have been coming to the Spectator, Days has taken on a new excitement. Poirot's writings help to make the show more enjoyable, and all your comments just make it that much more enjoyable. I, for one, would be very appreciative of anything you can do (without making yourself nuts, that is). Thanks so much for the write-ups and the comments/discussions. You are all very interesting, and put a great twist on the story with your ideas.