SPOILER !! Week Aug 6

We don't know that yet Old Cowgirl...Just the thought is enough to knock on The Writers' door and kick them out for all the junk and unhappy Salemites. Never become a couple in Salem, it is the Day of Doom, when you do.... :sad: :cry:.....ShaSha
We don't know that yet Old Cowgirl...

You are a more positive thinker than I am, ShaSha. I could take or leave the Lucas/Chloe pairing but I didn't want to see Lucas hurt again. He's like Nicole, though. Seems he just exists so the writers can knock him down over and over again.
Chloe confides to Eric that she has concerns about her relationship with Lucas. [Pity poor Lucas. He can really pick 'em. And if there really are any problems, they're probably all in the mind of the ditzy diva.]

Sonny and Will are blackmailed over their part in Leo’s death. [Of course they are. Why don't they just go see Salem's biggest fixer, Victor? He could make a trifle like Leo's death go away in a Salem second.]

Ben asks Marlena to hypnotize him to prove his innocence. [Positive results might convince a few people, but probably not high-and-mighty Hope the self-appointed expert on mental illness. After all, she knows that Ben is guilty.]
Sonny and Will are blackmailed over their part in Leo’s death. [Of course they are. Why don't they just go see Salem's biggest fixer, Victor? He could make a trifle like Leo's death go away in a Salem second.]
Victor would have that swept under the rug, no pun intended, before his first cup of coffee in the morning.
Tripp tries to convince Ciara it had to be Ben who set the fire. [Little Trippy should give it up. Ciara has already been propagandized by Rafe, Hope, and Frying Pan Claire. His ten cents isn't going to make any difference.]

Stefan tells Abigail he wants to be a part of his child’s life. [This repulsive pervert should just shut up and go away -- far away. Abigail should get Justin to pay a call of Creepy O. McCrud and make it very clear to him that rapist fathers have no rights. In fact, Justin should go to court and get a restraining order forbidding the sleaze having any contact with Abigail. Why should she continue to be bothered by her rapist?]

Hope tries to get Marlena to recommend that Ben be recommitted. [Marlena should bluntly tell Hope to mind her own business. After all, the inept commissioner knows even less about psychiatry than she knows about running a police force.]
Thanks for the summary!!

Oh, gee, surprise, surprise, Gabi wiggles her way into living where Chad is living, huh? Gotta say, the show is doing a good job of making the Gabi character very unlikeable. (Sorry Troy!)
Gabi's bitterness about Chad choosing Abby over her is the real reason behind this revenge, she's just using going to prison as an excuse. I knew it.
Really? We have to rehash the Gabi/Chad awfulness? WHY??:huh:

Does anyone care about how Pervy feels about "his" rape baby? Or about anything else for that matter?
NO!!!! Certainly not me!!

.Also, that Ron C. (head writer) apparently thinks highly of Tyler Christopher (Stefan), so will probably be writing a lot for him, even going so far as to have Abby (not Gabby) paired up with him in some way.
OMG - I'm quite sure that would be the end for me!!

And then...a week or so ago, Abby is telling Chad that the sex between her & Chad, Gabby & Stefan occurred "a couple months ago". Currently, it was said "3 months", and then in this 2nd wk. of Aug. Abby feels the baby kick. Huh?
I wondered if this might lead to Abby catching on to the fact she may be further along in her pregnancy than she first thought - thus questioning the validity of the DNA test...hope, hope, hope!

Stefan tells Abigail he wants to be a part of his child’s life. [This repulsive pervert should just shut up and go away -- far away. Abigail should get Justin to pay a call of Creepy O. McCrud and make it very clear to him that rapist fathers have no rights. In fact, Justin should go to court and get a restraining order forbidding the sleaze having any contact with Abigail. Why should she continue to be bothered by her rapist?]
Please - find a way for the writers to adopt MANY of your story ideas ---this being one of the first!!! Ron -are you listening?
LOL. The dialogue on this show changes from day to day. I gave up trying to figure it out. Too hard. Make your head hurt.