SPOILER !! Week Aug 6

After seeing these pictures, I'm hoping Chloe doesn't fall for Stefan. Could that be why she is having doubts about her relationship with Lucas?

Who could blame Chad for walking out on Abby, if she's going to be allowing Stefan to put his hand on her to feel the baby kick, and no telling what else? Even if, in the crazy world of Salem, he can get legal rights to be in the baby's life, I don't think that extends to the mother being forced to let him share in the pregnancy. He is gross and this story just keeps getting worse!

Hope doesn't exactly look happy about reuniting with Rafe, in that picture.
I use to love Bo and Hope...not so much Hope on her own. She is so self righteous. She and all of Salem forget about all her illegal immoral murdering mentally ill ways. Don't like her any more, like her even less with Rafe.

This is a really good summary of how I feel. I loved Bo and Hope and also loved Sami and Rafe. I don't like Hope and Rafe as a couple but I also don't think Hope has changed as a result of her pairing with Rafe. She was always like this I think it's just more apparent now that she doesn't have Bo overshadowing her.
Wonder Twin powers activate :)
