Weird Food Mash-Ups



Another discussion got me thinking. What are weird food mash-ups/combinations you like or see others eating. I don't know about my own, lol, as they are not weird to me. I'll start with a few, though.

Many people here put mayo on their Southern Peas (blackeyed peas, crowders, etc.). I prefer home grown tomatoes, onion, and some hot peppers all chopped in mine (in season).

My mother likes a slice of melted cheddar cheese on her apple pie. She also eats cheese toast with orange marmalade on it, Salt on her grapefruit. I prefer sugar on mine.

I like to dip corn chips in peanut butter for a snack, and it goes best with Dr. Pepper, to me. Just a taste combination thing, lol.

Anything you have to add? I like trying new things!
Oh, fun thread ! :)

I'm with your mother on cheddar and apple pie. Love it ! :) I can also eat a grilled cheese (think yellow American cheese), either with salsa, or with naturally sweetened fruit jam (my favorite is St-Dalfour), depending on my mood.

I also put mayo with my tuna and avocado sandwich (maybe that's not so weird after all), or I make guacamole with mayo. :eek:

And, I hope nobody will be offended, but there's one very traditional southern thing people eat in the United States, that I have not yet tried. Though I'm sure it's delicious, the combination is unusual to me. It's fried chicken on a waffle, topped with maple syrup. Maybe I'll try someday. Again, no offense. That, and the doughnuts with bacon on them. That seems too salty and sweet at the same time for me. Anyway, I shouldn't talk, since here in Quebec, we're known for poutine ! :wink: And we put some strange things in there, sometimes. :) Although personally, I'm not a fan of poutine. One bite or two, maybe, of the traditional one (fries, cheese curd and sauce), and that's it for me.

Oh, and apparently, I'm one of the few people who love the marshmallow candies in the shape of peanuts or bananas. In fact, they're the only candies I like, otherwise, I hate candy. Weird, I know.
LOL, well there is always Elvis' fried peanut butter & banana sandwich. LOL

Don't know if this is weird or not....but I like powdered sugar on waffles, and plain sugar on buttered French toast. Syrup goes on pancakes only. Ha.
Well, it' not a food I like but it is weird. I remember when I was about 10, my mom went to Vancouver Island to hike the West Coast Trail leaving my dad with us 4 kids. We all remember him coming home from schoo, he was a teacher and made us dinner. The dinner he made us was Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise Grilled Sandwiches. BLECH!!!!! It was NOT good! LOL! When we complained bout it he said if it was good enough for us kids growing up on the ranch, surely it is good enough for you kids. LOL!
Peanut butter on a fresh sliced tomato sandwich!
I like sugar on pancakes and waffles, jam on French toast!
Ketchup on eggs
My grandma would fry chopped up apples and homemade pieces of white bread, until apples were a little soft and bread lightly toasted always in butter and then add eggs and scrambled them and mix it all up, I loved it, and when I got older it reminded me of a version of French toast! Delicious! This was grandpa and grandma's sunday night supper!
And my other grandma would take sliced cucumbers and diced onions, and she would make a sauce of a little mayo, cream, salt & pepper mix it up, pour over the cukes and we would eat it over mashed potatoes!
LOL, So dad figured what would be easiest for him to make for 4 kids. Ha.

Let's see, I have relatives who put ketchup on fried eggs! My mother-in-law used to make cut up hotdogs with a can of tomatoes, heat it up, and the 4 boys loved it. Sometimes she threw in a can of pork & beans, but she usually made her own of those from scratch.
@TheWriter, I live in the deep south and have never eaten fried chicken on a waffle, lol. Doesn't sound like something I'd want!
I want syrup on my french toast, pancakes, waffles, lol.
I've never heard of vinegar on chicken, but I've heard some put it on fries.
I've never tried some of these things, but my dad always encouraged me to have a learn-to-like helping, lol.

I make a banana "salad". Bananas sliced lengthwise with peanut butter and mayo on top. Getting the peanut butter on the banana is tricky because the banana is slick, LOL.

My parents like pineapple "salad", sliced pineapple with grated cheddar cheese, mayo, and a cherry on top, lol.
Squirrel, no, it cant be! LOL! I have threatened to put some kind of view-blocking barrier next to a family member's plate while at table. I didn't do it (yet), but felt like it. I suspect that some people mix odd things just to get attention, rather than an actual taste preference. Fairness requires me to admit to using a table knife to put dabs of Miracle Whip on a hard-boiled egg.
My aunt's husband had to have chocolate syrup on his red (pinto) beans. Some of my mother's family put sugar on their red beans. I liked them best with my grandmother's homemade chow chow. I've never had any or seen any recipes similar to hers. It had more of a vinegar taste, not sweet at all.

I like cornbread crumbled up in either sweet milk or buttermilk.
Those peanuts are good for shipping fragile items, and an added bonus for the recipient.