Xander and Nicole

OK, I forgot a lot of Day's history. I shouldn't have because I've seen it so many times! As I said before, I was thinking in terms of real life not Salem reality. I'll just write it off as a massive senior moment! Robinsnest and Old Cowgirl, I guess I tried to forget and I was apparently very successful!
Speaking of Fake Rafe, here's a blast from the past.

Ode to Arnold Finnegar

Arnold Finnegar, full of woe
Don’t know where, but he’s gotta go
They filled him full of DiMera c r a p
And turned that felon into a sap

He slithered his way into Sami’s bed
Rafe’s gonna make him wish he was dead
Making jokes and smirking like a dope
His lips were sealed until he talked to Hope

Sophia set his pants on fire
Now the jerk plans to retire
And get away with what he’s done
Head to Colombia to have some fun

He made a deal with the Salem P.D.
Now the fools are gonna set him free
Bo wants to make the DiMeras pay
But again, as usual, they’ll get away

Abe spread the word all over town
This time, the DiMeras are gonna go down
Mr. Mayor shouldn’t count his chickens yet
He’s gonna have to eat his words, I’ll bet

Stefano, the old coot, has a plan
To get rid of the impostor any way he can
Our friend, Arnold, better watch his step
‘Cause Stefano DiMera ain’t counted out yet

Bo Brady’s all cocky and full of glee
Maybe this will validate the Salem P.D.
All too soon, he’ll be crying, “Boo, hoo”
‘Cause Bo counted all his chickens too

Hats off to Arnold Finnegar
We’ll miss your sass and vinegar
You never measured up to our friend, Rafe
But with your demise, Sami Brady’s safe

Alas, the impostor was killed in his cell
Guess he took up residence in hell
The DiMera evil will never cease
So, Arnold Finnegar, rest in peace

Kathleen McCoy Eldridge
© July 19, 2011
All Rights Reserved
KathyLu, thanks for reposting. Your Fake Rafe ode is great. As for Fake Rafe himself, his sad fate is so typical of non-hypnotized DiMera flunkies.
  • Dr. Rolf: How many times has he died?
  • Bart: Accidentally killed during an Andre-Tony sword fight
  • Sy: Tried to squeeze the DiMeras for more cash and then vanished.
  • Bodyguard Sergio: Tried to save EJ from arrest on the night of the tunnels explosion, ended up in jail, and hasn't been heard from since.
  • Officer Bernardi: Was sent to maim Rafe, but was killed by Sami.
  • Aiden: Was imprisoned in a cell with only a dead bird for company.
Nicole, in my opinion is not, Kristen. I think Nicole is in trauma right now. What story the writers are going to spin is going to be crazy and irresponsible. This is what they do to annoy us and laugh all the way to the bank. If Kristen is alive, which I can't believe reason being, when she went out the window plunging to her death, she should have been smashed to non-recognition. No comeback from that. Maybe she was put together with, Gorilla Glue? Either was this would be beyond fantasy and to far a reach. The writers are cruel and inhumane people. :beat: :sick: :fan:

ShaSha, I had to laugh and highlight the "I can't believe reason being". That's where you went wrong! The writers don't know about "reason"! I agree with the DOOL Anonymous Group. I don't like the show, but I hang in there because I keep thinking "It can't get any worse.....but then...….IT DOES!
Kristen has reappeared after that fall down the cliff (and the flimsy reason she was still alive......but supposedly was killed in the warehouse explosion. LOL. But then, here is Nicole, and Xander....who evidently got out. As said, the writers can do anything.
I don't see how Nicole is Kristen when the actress is coming back and looks like Kristen, maybe it's a wig and heavy make up or something. But yes I noticed Nicole's disdain for Eric and her wanting Brady and her holding him tightly. Damn, I guess this is the plot. Kristen kidnaps Nicole and Holly so she can assume her role as Nicole to win Brady, ugh I don't like it.

We aren't debating actresses, we are debating if the character is truly Nicole or Kristen. The actress is undeniably Arianne Zucker (Nicole).
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Yep.........Back some years ago, there was a storyline with Jennifer, who played the role but when it turned out Jennifer was an imposter, we saw another actress pulling off the latex. With it half up already, it could have been anyone. Prime time shows have done the same.

So yes, Ari Zucker (Nicole) is the actress playing the role of Nicole currently. However, IF...AND THAT IS A BIG IF...it is supposed to be Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) faking it....then we will be seeing the same sort of thing. Or else just see Stacy in the same clothes, etc. laughing it up with Xander.

Heck, what if all 3 are working together, (Nicole being forced because Xander & Kristen have Holly. ) Time will tell. This is the last week of sweeps, so.......all heck should be breaking loose.
I am actually interested in watching the show today, hoping to get info on Nicole and Xander's connection, and her plan.
I keep thinking that if Nicole is really Kristen, then we may never see the real Nicole Walker again. (I know, this is Salem, and we probably will!!!)
Doesn't seem to me that it is not really Nicole, but she sure is acting very different when with Xander.
I'm only about 15 minutes into the show but something is really off with Nicole. Xander just called her Nicole and he is kissing her and she doesn't look happy about it. At this point, all we can do is speculate and hope it's not what it looks like.
Nicole still pushes him away, as she did in the past. The actress who plays Nicole is much taller than the one who plays Kristen. I do agree all the laughing and joking was just not like Nicole...however, Xander never once varied from referring to her as Nicole, their marriage, how he had to agree to the divorce.......etc.
Honestly, I would rather know from the get go, and enjoy the Salemites being shocked/surprised/hoodwinked over an imposter.......than all this "is she or isn't she".
The interaction between Xander and Nicole was very confusing. At times her mannerisms and laugh seemed to be pure Kristen and a few seconds later she was all Nicole. If it is a Nicole imposter, she is a good one! Do you guys think that maybe it is Kristen and she's playing Xander for some reason, or is it Nicole and she is playing Xander for revenge?