Friday, January 11th, 2008

This is going to be awesome. I can't wait for Monday now. This is going to be a fun month to watch. Soooo much is going to happen that I can't even risk going out to lunch. Whoever thought Days would help me save money LOL!!:clap:
Sometimes you do have to just accept what happends and move on.

Oliviaunt - i couldn't myself have better it said!
If I couldn't get past someone's evil deeds on a soap (or rationalize them), there is no way I could like Lucas or Kate or Stefano or EJ or Sami or Bo or Patch or John or Marlena, etc. etc. etc.
Oliviaunt - i couldn't myself have better it said!
If I couldn't get past someone's evil deeds on a soap (or rationalize them), there is no way I could like Lucas or Kate or Stefano or EJ or Sami or Bo or Patch or John or Marlena, etc. etc. etc.

Very true. Sometimes I think we forget that this is a soap opera and no where near to real life!
LOL, I know I would stay so far away anyone like Kate, tho it probably would be fun talking about her.
Thank-you for the write-up Poirot! It's always good reading your write-ups. Glad you got your Internet back. I don't know how I'd live w/ out internet...
i'll be the lone dissenter here. this insta redemption of EJ is bogus. all he has to do are good deeds which score him points with his rape victim and he's the new insta saint. you have got to be kidding me? what about all the things he has done?all within the last year?? why is Lucas paying for the exact same thing EJ did to John & Lucas, attempted murder, while EJ gets a free pass? it's simply not beliveable writing & to shove Lucas/Bryan out of the picture to sell it is despicable.

LOL You are sooo right, hotlumi...TPTB'll do anything to try to redeem him... :)

Anything...including forgetting everything he has ever done....
The only way he can survive is become himself again...he's a great villian....but, nice guy, just can't see it. He's just a dud at that. JMO
It is really too bad that Days wreaked havoc with this character of EJ, and a tribute to the acting talents of James E. Scott that he has been able to pull off all these changing characteristics.
And since what I want to say does not refer to the show tomorrow, I am going to start another thread. LOL....look in Daily Days. LOL
I don't know but I still feel that EJ can be the new Stefano. He has that dangerous man under the skin type even as he is currently on the side of beating his father down.
LOL So after Crystal tells Marlena the truth and Marlena GOES to EJ to point blank ask him if John is alive, that's when EJ reveals what he knows? After using this juicy tidbit to blackmail his father, he then decides to be a good man? This is not redemption or even little steps to redemption, this is just more manipulation by EJ.

If he really was a changed man, EJ would have told Marlena the moment he left Dimansion after finding John.

Thanks for the right up, Poirot.
WOOHOO! Great points!!!

I don't agree at all. Many people to include Lucas have been insta redeemed on this show. First, the does not have time to drag out redemption here, they have to bring up ratings or be cancelled, second short memories people! Someone here said it best about Sami, 2006 she was still playin people and then she is instantly redeemed. If it can happen for her it can happen for EJ. I am on board with it!

"LOL You are sooo right, hotlumi...TPTB'll do anything to try to redeem him...

Anything...including forgetting everything he has ever done....
The only way he can survive is become himself again...he's a great villian....but, nice guy, just can't see it. He's just a dud at that. JMO"

TPTB will try and redeem anyone to save the show - period. Since this has happened to almost any character on the show - the only reason I can think of that you do not want EJ redeemed is you don't want to see him with Sami. That is your right. I beg to differ. I think today's episode clearly shows the struggle of EJ's character to change. A good example is the redemption of Tony. EJ is poised to lose everything, he is playing his cards carefully. Stefano does afterall threaten everything and everyone EJ holds dear. So he held onto to the FrankenJohn tidbit for a what few minutes? He probably was trying to still comprehend what he had seen - I know I am still am! In the end, he came clean with it. He has made the turn.

I agree with Poirot though. I hated the way they destroyed EJ's character last year. I am glad they realized their mistake and at the end of the day they are just not going to please everyone. While Lucas in jail might not please some, it sure pleases others. JMO.
Oliviaunt - i couldn't myself have better it said!
If I couldn't get past someone's evil deeds on a soap (or rationalize them), there is no way I could like Lucas or Kate or Stefano or EJ or Sami or Bo or Patch or John or Marlena, etc. etc. etc.

Just to add real quick because I didn't read the entire thread - :clap: Excellent post! Could not have said it any better.
In regards to redemption of EJ, I have no real opinions either way, but lest we forget that Jack (my favorite character of all time) once raped someone (Kayla I believe??) and that was forgotten to the point of redemption. You didn't hear people prattling on and on for years how "Jack's a rapist" when J&J left the show.

It's a soap opera guys, not real life. EJ, or even Stephano himself could be redeemed in a matter of weeks. It only depends on what YOU are willing to forget. :)

Wayne I think the problem here is more fanbase related then actual opinion.
Just to add real quick because I didn't read the entire thread - :clap: Excellent post! Could not have said it any better.

You are all forgetting that Sami is a/the core character....TPTB love you have to accept her as she is.. their star!!!

Ej can hardly be considered anything near that!! JS is totally being wasted by them trying to "redeem" him, he's much better as a villian!!! Much more for him there. TPTB made a huge mistake trying this one. You can't take someone that isn't invested with all the fans, and make them "the" character of the moment...
They spent months, and months building him evil....and now..."boom"...a lapdog!! Wouldn't be my choice, if I were him. They painstakenly showed us his character...shoved it in our face...every day...and they taught us well!! His crimes (with his pleasure evident) are much more monumental than anything anyone has ever done...and they expect to drop that???
That's the kiss of death, right there. It's evident they changed their minds in mid stream....and they are now sinking....
Sami and Lucas have developed their characters over years and years....before they "slowly" started moving more center stage. That takes time...and a lot of s/l's, not just one....and one of the longest and worst they have come up with, in a long time.
Wayne I think the problem here is more fanbase related then actual opinion.
I totally agree and to be fair, no one here really "knows" one another as it were. We've never sat down and broken bread so we don't know everyone's histories like true friends would. What some would consider "redeemable", others who have varied life experiences may NEVER forget.

We should all have a "Salem Spectator picnic weekend" some time. Would be a lot of fun...

You are all forgetting that Sami is a/the core character....TPTB love you have to accept her as she is.. their star!!!

Ej can hardly be considered anything near that!! James Scott (EJ) is totally being wasted by them trying to "redeem" him, he's much better as a villain!!! Much more for him there. TPTB made a huge mistake trying this one. You can't take someone that isn't invested with all the fans, and make them "the" character of the moment...
They spent months, and months building him evil....and now..."boom"...a lapdog!! Wouldn't be my choice, if I were him. They painstakingly showed us his character...shoved it in our face...every day...and they taught us well!! His crimes (with his pleasure evident) are much more monumental than anything anyone has ever done...and they expect to drop that???
That's the kiss of death, right there. It's evident they changed their minds in mid stream....and they are now sinking....
Sami and Lucas have developed their characters over years and years....before they "slowly" started moving more center stage. That takes time...and a lot of s/l's, not just one....and one of the longest and worst they have come up with, in a long time.

I agree with you about Sami is tptb star, not the smartest thing for them to do, seeing as most of the vets have been wasted. But I cannot disagree with you more about the rest. They spent years building Sami as evil. Years spent building Tony as evil, and Jack don't get me started. As for investment with the fanbases, you cannot have all viewers - fans invest and love a character, won't happen, never does. Fans want Marlena with Roman, fans want Marlena with John. Same things for Philip/Belle/Shawn, Bo/Hope/Patrick - the list goes on. The show doesn't have all this time to slowly draw viewers in anymore if they want the show to continue.

And I don't think it is the kiss of death to have painted EJ evil and now change their minds. I dont agree with how he was written but I don't like the fact they brought John back either. You get over it and move on to enjoy the show. I like the fact that similar to Tony, EJ was raised to hate and be evil. Why can't he change? Why can't someone in Stefano's own line finally have the balls to go after him?

Also I think Saint Sami was rushed, they did that very quickly in my opinion. She was manipulating Austin almost to the very end.

I don't agree EJ is best evil, I think shades of gray for him is best, much like Sami. To me - Saint Sami is boring. Lucas on the other hand needs a grittier storyline. Making him a drunk again would be interesting. I like Sami and Lucas just not together. It is dull.

Wayne, only if we can have t-shirts!
Ej can hardly be considered anything near that!! JS is totally being wasted by them trying to "redeem" him, he's much better as a villian!!!

Speaking in a literary sense, which makes a better villain? Someone for whom no hope exists, or someone who you *know* could go either way but is teetering on the line...?

IMHO, Stephano is the former. No redemption, no reason to "love to hate" him. He's your standard "[SIZE=-1]Snidely Whiplash" cartoon of a villain, replete with moustache and beard.

[/SIZE]EJ Dimera on the other hand may turn out to the be the latter. You can see and feel his humanity and you understand the torment he's going through (caught between his upbringing and his desire to do right). As such, you might be better able understand how he becomes a villain in the end, making him a much more capable, and a much more believable villain than Stephano has been in the last 20 years. Think "JR Ewing syndrome".

Speaking in a literary sense, which makes a better villain? Someone for whom no hope exists, or someone who you *know* could go either way but is teetering on the line...?

IMHO, Stephano is the former. No redemption, no reason to "love to hate" him. He's your standard "[SIZE=-1]Snidely Whiplash" cartoon of a villain, replete with moustache and beard.

[/SIZE]EJ Dimera on the other hand may turn out to the be the latter. You can see and feel his humanity and you understand the torment he's going through (caught between his upbringing and his desire to do right). As such, you might be better able understand how he becomes a villain in the end, making him a much more capable, and a much more believable villain than Stephano has been in the last 20 years. Think "JR Ewing syndrome".


OHMYGAWD Wayne, I think I may love you! :clap:
Speaking in a literary sense, which makes a better villain? Someone for whom no hope exists, or someone who you *know* could go either way but is teetering on the line...?

IMHO, Stephano is the former. No redemption, no reason to "love to hate" him. He's your standard "[SIZE=-1]Snidely Whiplash" cartoon of a villain, replete with moustache and beard.

[/SIZE]EJ Dimera on the other hand may turn out to the be the latter. You can see and feel his humanity and you understand the torment he's going through (caught between his upbringing and his desire to do right). As such, you might be better able understand how he becomes a villain in the end, making him a much more capable, and a much more believable villain than Stephano has been in the last 20 years. Think "JR Ewing syndrome".


Sorry, it was just something JS himself said in an interview awhile back...I just happen to think he was right.....and gave it as the thought. :)

And, yes I know everyone doesn't like the same characters...that's one of my points!

I hate to say it...I did watch Dallas, but J.R. was just too boring....I liked the other characters much watched for them...

Then why did they make him better than Stefano.....then change him?????