25 Years Ago This Week . . .

May 21, 1984

Slasher: Roman Agrees to the Interview, Pt 2

Slasher: Max Offers Alex a Deal 1

Slasher: Max Offers Alex a Deal 2

Slasher: Max Offers Alex a Deal 3

Hope had a nightmare and woke up telling Melissa she couldn’t go through with the wedding. She then changed her mind and decided she was being silly. Melissa agreed to help Hope plan the wedding, but she said she wished Hope looked happy. Roman and Marlena were bothered by photographers early in the morning, and Roman called off the interview. Brenda promised that her crew would be more respectful. Abe arrived and exchanged barbs with Brenda, who mentioned working in Central America. Anna gave Alex a hard time about a newspaper article painting him as a hero and going into his military service in Vietnam. She asked if anyone was really expected to believe “all that baloney.” Alex reminded Anna that people believed her tales of being a slave on a yacht. Alex told Anna that Tom had called the night before, wanting him to have a press conference and present the new $1 million check. Anna laughed, saying the situation would be even more amusing with two million-dollar checks bouncing around. Alex told Anna he was moving out that day but encouraged her to stick with him in business since he might have a new business agreement with Maxwell Hathaway. He encouraged Anna to seduce Hathaway, since he was a widower, but Anna told Alex his idea was disgusting and she still was in love with Tony.

Hope told Melissa that Doug and Julie were happy for her. Maggie showed up and told Hope she needed to talk to her. She said Julie phoned from Switzerland and said that Doug was having some tests run. She said he was out of danger, but they were taking extra precautions and they would not be able to return to Salem right away. Hope wanted to go to Switzerland, but Maggie warned her that that might upset Doug’s condition. She told Hope that Doug and Julie wanted her to go ahead with the wedding. But she also said they asked her to “stand in” for them. Hope asked what that meant, and Maggie said she was there to make sure Hope was doing the right thing. Hope assured her she was. Maggie told Hope she had some questions for her, but that she wasn’t sure Hope was going to like them. Abe told Roman that he learned a large bank in Australia opened an account last year, and over the year nearly $100 million had been deposited in it. He said a woman resembling Delia recently withdrew the money. Abe figured that either Stefano was still alive or else Delia was making off with his money. Abe also told Roman and Marlena that a thief was trying to steal a boat, but the owner showed up and got into a fight with him. He said the thief was wearing some kind of a latex mask. Abe said that the mask was torn, and the thief matched Andre’s description, but he got away. Roman told Marlena it was time for him to go back to work. Marlena told Roman he had to go through with the interview, to warn the world that those maniacs were still out there and that he was working to bring them down. Melissa left, and Maggie asked Hope if she loved Larry and was ready to spend the rest of her life with him. Hope said she was ready to spend the rest of her life with him. Maggie commented that Hope didn’t fully answer the question, then asked her if she was sure she was over Bo. Hope didn’t want to discuss the issue with Maggie, but Maggie told Hope she wanted her to postpone the wedding. Hope refused and told Maggie she was marrying Larry in one week. Anna thanked Alex for letting her stay at the Salem Inn, but Alex surprised her by telling her that she would also be working there as a hostess. Maxwell arrived and was introduced to Anna. Alex put on a show and offered to give Maxwell business advice. Maxwell told Alex, “I know everything about you, Marshall. So you can cut the bull. Now.”

Maxwell told Alex that he knew he was ruined financially and could not come through with the promised $1 million check to University Hospital. He told him that he had the means to ruin him socially and personally as well, unless Alex agreed to do what Maxwell wanted him to do. He told him that his secretary would call to set up another meeting. Anna asked Alex how the meeting went, and Alex said he wished he knew. Brenda continued planning her feature article and asked Marlena if she could interview her as well; Marlena agreed to help out however she could. Liz told Neil that Doug and Julie approached her about selling Doug’s Place to her, and she told him she wanted the club. Roman and Marlena arrived for lunch, and Maxwell approach their table. He introduced himself and thanked Roman for protecting the people of Salem. He then called Larry and told him they needed to meet. He said he understood Larry was a busy man, but he might never have any business again if he didn’t meet him. Maxwell hung up, then introduced himself to Liz and told her he was one of her biggest fans. Marlena told Roman she saw Hope go upstairs. She went to talk to her, but she promised Roman that she wouldn’t say anything about Bo’s condition.

Anna thanked Alex for his friendship, but told him she couldn’t think of anything worse than working as a hostess at the Salem Inn. Alex told her it wasn’t any worse than owning the dump. Maxwell told Alex he would make good on Alex’s $1 million check to the hospital, and the creation of the Alex and Renee Marshall Psychiatric Wing, if Alex would sell him all of his shares in Anderson Manufacturing for $1. Alex realized he didn’t have a choice. Gwen bumped into Larry at Doug’s Place and congratulated him on finally landing the engagement to Hope. Gwen was bitter and commented to herself that there was one more fantasy down the drain. Larry met Maxwell; Larry said he had admired him for some time, and it was an honor to meet him. Maxwell told Larry that he would probably change his mind about that shortly.
May 22, 1984

Bo & Hope – 5/22/84 pt. 1

Bo & Hope – 5/22/84 pt. 2

Hope showed Maggie a negligee she had bought for her wedding night. She also told Maggie that Larry was having a designer make her wedding dress. Maggie went downstairs to make some calls, and Hope fantasized about her wedding night while wearing a sour look on her face. Roman visited Bo and called him a “coward” and “selfish.” He wanted to let Shawn, Caroline, and Hope know about Bo’s condition. Bo refused to believe that he would recover, and Roman egged him into an argument, hoping he could get him out of bed. Roman told Bo he wasn’t giving up on him, because he wasn’t going to let him throw his life away. Mickey and Maggie talked with Hope about her wedding, and Mickey told her that he and Tom had had a meeting with Larry. Mickey asked if she realized how ambitious Larry was, and Hope said she liked his ambition. After Mickey and Maggie left, Hope called the hospital and asked for Bo’s room. The phone rang, but Bo didn’t answer it. The phone rang and rang. Bo finally answered it, but Hope changed her mind and hung up on him. To herself, Hope admitted that she didn’t know what she was doing. Said Hope, “You’re always with some woman, but you’re never with me.”

Hope hugged Larry but fantasized about hugging Bo. Hope told Larry that her family was encouraging her to slow down. Larry asked what Hope wanted to do, then asked if she had seen Bo. She told him no. Bo fantasized about breaking up Larry and Hope, punching Larry in the face, throwing him out of the room, and reuniting with Hope, who admitted she loved him. Bo struggled to move his legs but still couldn’t. Roman visited Bo again and told him he believed Hope had a right to know the truth. He told Bo that he lied to Hope and hurt her, and he still had feelings for her that she deserved to know about. The two argued about the situation, and Roman planned to go find Hope and tell her himself. Bo grabbed Roman’s arm, then banged his foot against something and felt pain. Larry and Hope went to Washington, but he called their rooms shabby and arranged for them to get a suite instead. Bo was able to move his legs, and he and Roman celebrated the moment. Bo said he had to talk to Hope. Roman told him that Maggie said she and Larry went to Washington, but he got a piece of paper with the name of the hotel, the address, and the phone number. Bo dialed the hotel. Larry sent Hope out of her room, and the phone began to ring. Larry paid the bellhop to lie to whoever was on the phone and tell them that he and Hope had checked out of the hotel and left no forwarding information. The bellhop did just that, and a frustrated Bo wadded up the piece of paper and threw it across the room.
Thanks Dr. Chip. Boy this is so fun rewatching the Larry and Hope stroyline. I just loved it when it happened on the show. Just hard to beleive that it was 25 years ago. Makes me feel so old.
May 24 & 25, 1984

Pete & Melissa – 5/24/84

Pete & Melissa – 5/25/84

Pete invited Melissa to a Vipers party but told her it was the good Vipers and not the dangerous ones. Melissa told Pete she would have to tell Maggie she was going out with Carlo, and that would mean taking Carlo with her. Pete agreed and said he would find a date for Carlo. Melissa asked what to wear, and Pete suggested something stolen. Melissa didn’t find that amusing. The two got close in the alleyway behind Shenanigans but were interrupted by Roman, Abe, and Brenda Carlisle, who were going upstairs for lunch. Melissa was surprised to see the reporter with Roman and asked if Pete knew who that was. He thought she was calling him stupid and became defensive, and Melissa called him on it. The two argued, then leaned in for a kiss as a couple came by. They quickly separated, and Pete asked Melissa if she was sure she wanted to go to the party. Melissa said yes and told Pete she had to go find Carlo. Melissa stressed over her hair and clothes. Carlo called to tell her he might be doing some work for Alex at the Salem Inn. Melissa invited him to party with her and Pete, and he accepted. At Shenanigans, Pete told Carlo and Melissa that the party was only a few blocks away. Carlo offered to drive, but Pete said he’d better not take his fancy car to this party. Pete asked Melissa if she told Maggie she and Carlo were meeting Pete, and she told him no but she didn’t want to talk about it. At the party, Melissa thought she was overdressed. Pete introduced Melissa and Carlo to one of his friends, who told Melissa she didn’t belong there. Pete gave Melissa a beer, then realized she hadn’t tasted alcohol before. He offered to get her a soda, but Melissa drank the beer. Pete asked a friend where Carlo went, and the person said Carlo and a Viper were talking about guns.

Pete’s friend continued to give Melissa a hard time about being at the Vipers party. She told her that some rival gang members got “sliced up” at the last party. Carlo told Melissa that he realized she only invited him so Maggie wouldn’t know she was meeting Pete. Carlo and Melissa danced, and someone asked Pete if Melissa wasn’t his girl. Pete told the person that Melissa didn’t know it yet. Melissa complimented the Vipers’ breakdancing, and Pete asked for a repeat performance. Carlo and Pete stepped outside, and Carlo compared the Vipers and their turf battles with the revolution in his country. He suggested to Pete that the two of them might not be as different as Pete first thought. Pete and Melissa took a walk and stopped to kiss. Tess walked up and saw them. She asked what they were doing, and Pete became angry. He accused Tess of being jealous because she was a “skinny old maid” with no one to take care of her. Pete told Melissa it was time to go back.
Dr Chip, thank you, thank you, thank you... please keem 'em coming. I am ashamed to say that I am this old but I remember watching this 25 long years ago as a schoolgirl! I am loving it.....
Dr Chip, thank you, thank you, thank you... please keem 'em coming. I am ashamed to say that I am this old but I remember watching this 25 long years ago as a schoolgirl! I am loving it.....

Oh honey, I remember watching it over 40 years ago!! LOL I love watching the old episodes and s/l they were so amazing and full of adventure and romance.
May 28, 1984

Pete & Melissa – 5/28/84

Back at Shenanigans, Pete and Melissa discussed the party. Pete worried that Melissa would be in trouble with Maggie, but Melissa assured him that Maggie would continue to believe that Carlo was her date. Don arrived and had questions for Melissa, who told him that Carlo went home after receiving a message from his mother in South America. Pete pretended to be on the job, and Chris wondered why he was giving up a party to work. Liz arrived, and Don invited her to join the table. She told him she needed some answers about something. Carlo showed up, and Don asked him about the phone call. Melissa talked about the phone call to his mother, and Carlo picked up on her cues and went along with the story. Carlo and Melissa moved to another table, but Don thought Carlo was acting nervous. Pete didn’t like seeing Carlo and Melissa pretending to be on a date. Tess arrived and saw Melissa with Carlo, then confronted her in the bathroom. Tess accused Melissa of dangling two men. Melissa told Tess that things were not as they seemed, and she accused Tess of only being interested in Pete when it was convenient for her. Tess asked what she was talking about, and Melissa mentioned that Tess walked out on Pete two years ago. Tess told Melissa that things were not always as they seemed, and she did not walk out on Pete. Melissa ran out, and Pete got upset with Tess. He warned her that she would be out of his life if she continued to harass Melissa. Outside, Melissa wondered about her future with Pete. Carlo told her he thought they would be okay.
May 30, 1984

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/30/84 pt. 1

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/30/84 pt. 2

Liz was confused about which song to sing at Larry and Hope’s wedding, and Maggie was worried because she hadn’t heard from Hope and the wedding was seven hours away. Liz kept nagging Maggie about the music, and Maggie snapped at Liz. Maggie apologized, then got upset with Melissa for not getting a phone number when she talked to Hope. Melissa told her that there was a lot of noise, and Hope hurried off the phone. Maggie decided to call off the wedding, but Liz and Melissa talked her out of it. Howie showed up at the church and was looking for Bo. He told Melissa that Bo checked himself out of the hospital, but nobody knew where he was. Marie arrived, and Howie told her that the Hortons were “a can of cashews.” Liz and Maggie agreed to have the rehearsal even though Larry and Hope were nowhere to be found. Melissa called Pete and told him that Tess said something, and Maggie was doubting whether Melissa was Carlo’s date. Marie was worried because she was having trouble with the caterer and the florist. Hope and Larry barely made their plane and were headed to Salem. Maggie conducted the rehearsal; Marie filled in for the minister, Tess filled in for Hope, and Chris filled in for Larry. Maggie then asked when the music was to be sung; Liz started laughing, saying she didn’t know. Marie told everyone not to worry, because Alice would know what to do when she arrived.

Melissa stayed behind when the others took a lunch break from the wedding rehearsal, and Pete slipped into the church to talk to her. He assured her that he wouldn’t let her get in trouble for going to the party with him, then complimented the way she looked around the flowers for the wedding. On the plane back to Salem, Hope figured her family was furious with her for leaving them to prepare for the wedding. Larry asked if she regretted going with him to Washington. Hope said she didn’t and looked forward to this new lifestyle with him. Maggie, Marie, and Liz were excited to see Hope and Larry show up with the wedding dress. Maggie wanted to know why they couldn’t be contacted, and Larry lied that his secretary knew where they were but must have thought she couldn’t tell anyone. Larry left to get ready, and the women rushed Hope upstairs. Melissa, Marie, Maggie, and Liz were helping Hope get ready. Tess dropped off the flowers. Marie told Hope she had a letter to her from Doug, and Hope read it aloud: “My precious princess, I wish I could be saying these words to you in person instead of having to put them in a letter. Even though we’re a thousand miles apart, I’ve never felt closer to you than I do now. Your wedding day is the beginning of a new life for you. I sincerely feel it will be a rich and wonderful life. I think you made a wise and wonderful choice in Larry Welch. Stand by him always. He’s a good man and a considerate man, and he has in you a woman he can be proud of. It’s funny to hear myself call you a woman. Even though you’re all grown up, to me you’ll always be my little princess. Be happy, my darling. As happy as I am in my life. As happy as I am knowing that you’re marrying a man that you truly love. A million kisses, Dad.” Hope became emotional and wished Doug could be there. The women gushed over Hope’s pearls, which belonged to Larry’s mother. Maggie wanted to meet Larry’s parents, but Hope said Larry’s father was ill and his mother didn’t want to leave him. However, she said that Larry’s brother would be best man. Diane and Bo were on an airplane together, and Bo thought Diane was taking him to Hope. Diane broke down and told Bo she didn’t care what happened to her; she had to tell him the truth. She told him she had been forced to lie to him in order to keep him and Hope apart. She told him that she lied about the wedding being postponed and said it was taking place that afternoon in Salem.
May 31, 1984

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/31/84 pt. 1

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/31/84 pt. 2

Tom and Alice arrived at the church, and Tom quibbled with Alice about rearranging the flowers. Roman was upset that he still couldn’t find Bo and tried to call Howie. Marlena decided to try to talk to Hope before she walked down the aisle. Maggie sensed that Hope was a little sad, but Hope denied it. Alice went to see Hope and told her she was the most stunning bride she’d ever seen. On the airplane, Diane apologized to Bo for her deception but told him it was too late to stop Hope from marrying Larry. Bo was feeling desperate as the flight attendant announced the plane would be landing in Salem in 10 minutes. “Ten minutes?!” asked Bo. “Can’t you land this thing any faster?!” Howie asked Pete for a beer, but Pete said he was off work and heading to a wedding. Howie teased Pete about going to the D.A.’s wedding. Tom talked to Larry and his brother, Ben, about the two families meeting. Later, Ben told Larry he owed him. Tom got nervous and knocked over a vase, which broke into pieces. Bo tried calling Doug’s Place from a payphone at the airport, but there was no answer. Diane suggested it might be closed for the wedding. Bo then tried to call Howie, who didn’t answer. Bo left a message telling Howie to stay there once he got the message. Bo demanded to know which church the wedding was at, but Diane said she didn’t know. Bo told her to stay out of his way, because he had to get to his woman. Diane watched Bo jump in a car and speed off. Alice gave Hope a handkerchief that her mother wore, and that Hope’s mother, Addie, wore on the day of her wedding. Alice told Hope she just never knew she would be marrying so young, or marrying someone other than Bo. Hope told Alice she didn’t want to talk about Bo and assured her that she was happy and making the right decision. Pete found Melissa and told her she was pretty enough to be the bride. Melissa said she might not ever get married. Pete told her he thought someone would want to marry her. Carlo arrived and asked if Pete was ready for the wedding. Pete laughed and said, “Yeah. It’s not mine, anyway.” Melissa seemed saddened.

Pete warned Carlo that Maggie might try to question him about the party. Carlo went to say hi to Liz, but Maggie quickly asked Carlo if Tess was right about the party. Alice fixed Hope’s hair, and there was a knock at the door. Hope was not happy to see Marlena there. Marlena told Hope she was there to talk about the most important man in her life. Hope told Marlena that she was about to marry him in a few minutes. “I’m not talking about Larry Welch,” said Marlena. “I’m talking about Bo Brady.” Bo called Shenanigan’s, and someone called Howie to the phone. He asked where Bo had been, and Bo told Howie to listen up. He needed a favor, and it was going to be a big one. Howie listened, then shouted, “You want WHAT???!!!” Hope didn’t want to listen to Marlena and kept interrupting her. Marlena told Hope that it wasn’t true that Bo didn’t want her, and she said it wasn’t true that he wanted to be with Diane. Hope said she learned Bo left the hospital with Diane, but Marlena said Diane was helping Bo. Hope also said she learned Bo was getting back together with Megan, who was back in Salem. Marlena told her that Megan was not in Salem. Hope told Marlena that she was not going to stop her from marrying Larry. Hope told Marlena she waited for Bo to come back to her, but he never did. “If Bo wanted me,” she said, “he’d be here.” Tom showed up and asked what the shouting was about. He told Hope it was time for the wedding to begin. Tom asked if Marlena was staying for the wedding, but she said no, she was joining Roman elsewhere. Marlena told Hope they really did want her to be happy. Through clenched teeth, Hope said, “Goodbye, Marlena.” Don saw Marlena and asked her to sit with him, but she told him she wouldn’t be staying. She told him she was getting bad vibes about the wedding. Don asked if she meant the Eugene Bradford type of vibes, and she said yes. Carlo told Melissa that it was obvious Maggie knew the truth, then told her to be more careful next time. Alice helped Hope with her veil, then went to check on Tom and the minister to see if it was time. Hope fantasized about marrying Bo instead of Larry. Looking into the mirror, Hope said, “Oh, Bo” and began to cry. Bo was having engine trouble when a policeman arrived and told him he was in trouble because the car had been reported stolen. He asked Bo to step to the side of the car and place his hands on top of the car. Bo punched the officer in the gut and in the face, apologized, stole his police motorcycle, and sped away. Alex told Carlo he decided not to hire him at the Salem Inn because the timing was off. Carlo told Alex it would be his loss, then walked away as Maxwell Hathaway watched and listened. To the song “I Need a Hero,” Bo sped through the streets of Salem and finally arrived at the church. He tried a few doors that were locked, then finally found one that was unlocked and made his way into the church. Hope thanked Maggie for pulling the wedding together, and Maggie said she did it because she loved Hope. Melissa told Hope she loved her, and Hope promised they would be friends forever. Maggie asked if Hope would be right out. “In a minute,” said Hope, who was once more on the verge of tears.
May 31, 1984 cont'd.

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/31/84 pt. 3

“Hope Williams Welch,” said a weeping Hope into the mirror. “Mrs. Larry Welch. Oh, mirror, please tell me. Am I doing the right thing?” There was a sudden pounding on the door. Hope said she would be right out, and Bo threw open the door. Hope asked what he was doing there. “I’m here to take the woman I love. My woman.” “Your woman?” asked Hope. She told Bo he had no right, and Bo said he had every right – he loved her. Hope called him a liar and didn’t want to listen to him. Bo told her he was not going to let her marry Larry. Hope told Bo that she didn’t want to hear his lies. He told her that he only lied about his feelings to protect her, but Hope said she didn’t believe him. “Listen to me,” said Bo. “I thought my brother was dead, and then I heard that he was alive. And I had to choose whether to help my brother or to stay with you. Now, I couldn’t turn my back on my brother. . . . And with everything that was going on, there was too much danger, with Stefano there and all that. I had to get you out of my life ’til this whole thing blew over. I’m sorry, Hope. I had to hurt you. And I’m sorry about that whole thing. I had to keep you out of my life. That was the only way I could protect you from all that danger.” Replied Hope, “I don’t believe any of this.” Hope told Bo that Larry was the one person who was there when she needed someone the most. She accused him of living with Diane and reuniting with Megan. Bo told her he didn’t live with Diane “in that way,” and he didn’t understand why she was talking about Megan. “Bo, I don’t want to hear any more,” said Hope. “I want you to leave this room, and I want you to leave this church. Because I am going to go downstairs and marry Larry Welch.” Bo told Hope that she didn’t understand what he went through to get to her, and he was not going to let her marry Larry. Hope called Bo a liar. “I am not lying,” said Bo. “Now, you’re coming with me.” Bo grabbed Hope by the arm, and she started to fight him, shouting at him to let her go, when the door opened and Alice walked in. “Bo!” she said. A smiling Bo replied, “Hi, Mrs. H.” Roman met Marlena at Shenanigans, and she told him she struck out with Hope. Roman said he felt bad that he was back together with Marlena while Bo ended up with nobody. Marlena was happy that Roman and Bo had grown closer together, though. Diane arrived, and Roman questioned her about Bo. She said the last time she saw him, he was stealing a car at the airport and on his way to find Hope. Roman took off after his brother. Maggie and Tom wondered what was keeping Hope. Alice appeared and promised them that Hope would be there in one minute. Tom asked what was taking so long, and Alice said she was helping Hope with her hair. Tom wanted to ask more questions, but Alice started talking to an usher as they walked off down the aisle. Tom commented, “All the years we’ve been married, and I’ll never understand that woman. I wonder what she’s up to now.” Alice sat down in the pew and looked very nervous. Now dressed and wearing her veil, Hope finally arrived and took Tom’s arm. The music began, and members of the wedding party took their places. Don’s eyes were on Maggie as she walked down the aisle. Pete’s were on Melissa, and then on Carlo, who also was enjoying watching Melissa. Tom and Hope then walked the aisle, and Tom said that Hope’s parents, Doug and Julie Williams, and her grandparents, Tom and Alice Horton, were giving her away. The minister asked if anyone had reason for the two not to be married, and there was silence. The minister continued.
May 31, 1984 cont'd.

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 5/31/84 pt. 4

At the wedding, Liz sang “There’s a Long Road Ahead of Us.” Roman slipped into the pew beside Don and asked if he’d seen Bo. Don said no, and Roman told him that Bo was going to need legal help. Roman told Don that he just learned Bo had stolen a police motorcycle. Roman wondered where Bo was. The vows began, and Alice frowned and looked in her lap as Larry said his vows to Hope. Ending his vows, Larry said, “I love you, Hope. I’m going to make you my wife and the mother of my children. I’m going to give you the most wonderful life, for the rest of our lives. Hope, I give you everything that’s good in my heart, because you are the most beautiful, the most wonderful, and the most gorgeous bride any man on this earth could ever wish for. I love you.” He then lifted the veil to find Howie underneath and wearing a wig. “Talk about gorgeous, dollface . . . you’ve got a puss on you that won’t quit!” He pursed his lips together, waiting for a kiss, as Larry glared at him. Alice looked half amused and half worried, because she knew it was all about to hit the fan now!
June 1, 1984

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 6/1/84 pt. 1

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 6/1/84 pt. 2

Hope & Larry & Howie’s wedding – 6/1/84 pt. 3

Larry lifted Hope’s veil to reveal that the bride was really Howie in a wig. Everyone, and especially the Hortons, were in shock. Larry was livid and demanded to know where Hope was. Answered Howie, “Forget Hope. It’s you and me, baby!” And in one of the most memorable moments in DAYS OF OUR LIVES history, Larry decked Howie as “I Need a Hero” began to play and Bo and Hope sped away on the stolen police motorcycle. Hope kept telling Bo to take her back, and Bo yelled at her to hold on. Later, Bo pulled over; Hope got off the motorcycle and made a run for it through a large grassy area. Bo chased her as she yelled that she hated him and reminded him that he slept with Diane. Bo told her that wasn’t true and made her agree to listen to him. Hope agreed, then pushed Bo down and ran off again. Bo chased her down again and pulled her into a kiss. Hope told him not to do that again. They started kissing again as the song “Whatever We Imagine” played. Back at the church, Howie refused to answer any questions and kept making wisecracks. Marie wasn’t pleased. Tom was furious at Howie and Alice, and he accused Alice of being in on it. Maggie and Melissa returned from the bridal room and announced that Hope was gone. Tom apologized to the crowd and said there obviously wasn’t going to be a wedding today. Larry vowed to Maxwell that the person responsible for this was going to pay heavily. Hope told Bo that one kiss wasn’t going to make her forget what he had said and done. They walked together, and Bo asked her several times if she loved Larry. She couldn’t say that she did. Bo told her he would work really hard to make this up to her. They kissed again, and then Bo told her he was taking her someplace where they could really talk. On their way, Bo told Hope she dropped something. He picked up her veil, they kissed again, and then they headed back to the motorcycle. Tom demanded answers from Alice, who explained that she had to go along with the scheme because everything was happening so fast. Tom was getting angrier and angrier, and Alice remarked that she had never seen him like this before. “Quite possibly it’s because I’ve never been so damned angry before!” Tom said. Alice told Tom to watch his language in church. Don and Marie questioned Howie, who wouldn’t give any explanation other than “Bo loves Hope, and Hope loves Bo.” Larry returned to face Howie. Tom pulled Alice into the bridal room and wanted more answers. Alice explained that Bo showed up and took Hope with him while Howie got dressed. She told Tom that Bo truly loved Hope. Tom was angry about Larry’s humiliation and asked why Alice didn’t let him know. Alice explained that she had to give “the children time to escape” and told Tom she was only helping two people who loved each other and belonged together.

Tom was still furious with Alice. Larry and Don wanted more information from Howie, and Larry threatened to have him charged with accessory to a kidnapping. Howie denied that Bo kidnapped Hope, but a security guard said he saw Hope being dragged out of the church. Maxwell encouraged Larry to use discretion, then later told him to keep a low profile and let him take care of the media. Larry wondered why Maxwell was so interested. A policeman on a motorcycle saw Bo and Hope speed past him, and he turned on his siren and went after them. Bo and Hope pulled into an alley, and the officer sped by them. Hope told Bo they needed to get out of there, and they took off in another direction. Alice and Maggie told Larry they had concerns about Hope’s feelings for him. They both agreed that Hope had never said she loved Larry. Maggie said she believed Hope took off on an impulse and would be back to beg his forgiveness. Larry told them that police reported seeing Hope being dragged away. Alice asked Larry to wait before pressing kidnapping charges against anyone. He agreed to wait and think things over. When the two women left, Larry vowed to make Bo pay and intended to put him in jail for a long time. Liz invited Don and Maggie to Doug’s Place. She then asked Tom and Alice, and Alice jumped at the invitation. Tom reminded Alice that she would still have to answer to him when they got home. Pete took a flower and put it in Melissa’s hair.

At Doug’s Place, Liz sang “Believe in Me.” Maggie worried about not getting money back from the caterers. Don told Maggie to stop worrying, because she and the others had already done enough. Tom remarked that Alice had done “quite enough.” Alice argued that if the wedding preparations helped Bo and Hope get back together, and they were meant for each other, then it was worth it. Don announced that a policeman spotted Bo and Hope, but then lost them. He said a statewide APB had been issued. Bo took Hope to Maggie’s old barn. He told her he didn’t want to get inside the farmhouse because someone might see the lights. He told Hope that he stole a car and a motorcycle to get from the airport to the church. Hope asked why he was at the airport, and he explained he and Diane had been looking for her. Hope bristled at the mention of Diane, but Bo told her that he asked Diane to help him put on an act. He told Hope he didn’t mean the hurtful things he said to her. Hope asked if that meant he didn’t think of her as spoiled and always headed for trouble. Bo said he did mean that. Hope asked why they were there, and Bo told Hope he loved her. The two began to kiss.
Thanks Dr. Chip. My favorite thing from Days. Just loved reliving it. I cheered all over again as Bo and Hope drove off on the bike.
June 4 & 5, 1984

Anna & Tony – 6/4/84 pt. 1

Anna & Tony – 6/4/84 pt. 2

Bo & Hope – 6/4/84 pt. 1

Bo gets arrested – 6/5/84 pt. 1

Bo gets arrested – 6/5/84 pt. 2

Tony went to the Salem Inn and found Anna. He returned an address book that she left behind at his penthouse. Tony accused Anna of leaving it there intentionally, so that Tony would have to return it to her. Anna tried to convince Tony that she loved him, but Tony reminded her that she fell in love with Andre, not him, this time. Anna reminded Tony that she loved him first, but Tony said he just couldn’t trust her after all they had been through. Alex interrupted them to ask Tony to join him in writing a screenplay about his experiences with Stefano. Tony was disgusted by the idea and quickly left. Anna was angry at Alex for suggesting the screenplay, then realized that Tony left his sunglasses behind. Tony returned to his penthouse and was surprised to see his mother, Daphne, there. The two were reunited and planned to go to lunch. Daphne told Tony it would be wonderful for both of them to be able to go anywhere they wanted, in complete freedom. Daphne went to freshen up, and Anna arrived with Tony’s sunglasses. She told Tony that she knew he left them behind on purpose, and Tony was disappointed that she believed that. He asked Anna what she was trying to do.

Tony told Anna that he never loved her. Anna was taken aback and asked if he loved her when she was carrying their child. He said he tried to love her. Anna became upset and said he was still hung up on Renee then. Tony reminded Anna that she tricked him into marriage, and Anna reminded Tony that she fell in love with him after that and they had some happy times together. Tony suggested that Anna was more in love with Andre than she was with him, but Anna said she was so happy with Andre because she believed he was Tony. Daphne interrupted them and made it known that she would have been able to tell the difference between a lover and an impostor. Daphne baited Anna, who refused to say anything unkind to her in front of Tony. Anna ran out in tears. Tony told Daphne he didn’t want to see Anna hurt, but Daphne said Anna was made of steel and would get over him in no time. Anna complained about Daphne to Alex, who told her that love was highly overrated.

Hope stopped Bo from kissing her and told him that she was still hurt by all the things he said to her. She was disappointed that he didn’t treat her like an adult and tell her what was going on. She also was concerned about Larry’s feelings in all of this. Bo told Hope he thought he had to lie to her, and to have Diane lie to her, in order to keep her safe. He also accused Larry of conspiring to keep them apart when he was trying to contact her before the wedding. Hope denied that Larry would do such a thing. However, she admitted that she loved Bo. He took off her engagement ring and dropped it in the hay. He then went out and picked some flowers for her, and found some old work clothes in Maggie’s farmhouse. Bo asked Hope to change clothes and then bury the wedding dress. He told her that nothing would come between them again, and Hope agreed that this was the beginning of a new day for them as the two resumed their kissing.

Bo, Danny, Melissa, and Carlo were riding in Eugene’s taxi when the police pulled Eugene over for speeding. Bo told Eugene to tell the police he picked up a hitchhiker. When the policeman saw Bo, he drew his gun and ordered that nobody move. The officer made Bo get out of the car. Another officer arrived. Bo told them that if they were going to take him in, they needed to go get Hope. Eugene and Danny distracted the officers, and Bo took off. The officers chased after him, and Eugene and the others went the other direction. Larry and Roman had words about Bo. Roman promised to follow the law, and Larry promised not to make the legal issues personal issues. Abe ordered food for Larry, who then received an anonymous phone call from “a friend.” The man told Larry that some people had “made arrangements” to get him out of the mess he was in, and he was told to meet the person on the pier. Larry made an excuse for leaving and headed to the pier. Bo read a letter from Hope, telling him that she had decided to go back to Larry.

The police found Bo, arrested him, and took him to headquarters. Bo told Roman and Abe that he went to watch out for the police; when he returned, Hope was gone and there was a goodbye note. Bo believed something strange was going on. Larry returned and enjoyed seeing Bo behind bars. Larry announced that Hope was back, and was resting comfortably in his home and in his bed.
June 4-8, 1984

Bo & Hope – 6/4/84 pt. 1

Bo & Hope – 6/4/84 pt. 2

Pete & Melissa – 6/7/84 pt. 1

Pete & Melissa – 6/7/84 pt. 2

Anna & Tony – 6/8/84

Bo & Hope – 6/8/84 pt. 1

Melissa & Pete – 6/4/84

Bo & Hope – 6/8/84 pt. 2

After Hope was kidnapped by two thugs, Will and Drew, the two men showed her an article in the paper about her being roughed up by Bo and now recuperating. They threatened to harm her unless she returned to Larry and married him. Hope refused and wanted to know who was making them do this. The men were receiving orders from another man, but Larry was unaware of what was going on. The thugs told Hope that if she didn’t marry Larry, Bo could be killed. Hope agreed to do whatever they wanted, as long as they didn’t hurt Bo. However, another thug was placed in Bo’s jail cell and started a fight with him. The thug pummeled Bo in the place where he was shot by Petrov, and a guard had to call for medical attention after Bo was beaten up. Hope was upset to learn that Bo had been hurt. Roman received word that Bo had been hurt, and Larry got in Roman’s face as Bo was brought in on a stretcher. Roman told Larry to get out of the way. Larry told Bo that he got what he deserved. Roman told Larry to shut up or he’d end up on a stretcher, and then he told the reporter, Brenda, that that was on the record. Roman left with Bo, and Larry reminded Brenda that what Roman said was on the record. “I didn’t hear a word he said,” she told Larry. Will and Drew took Hope to the police station, and from the car she saw Bo being carried into an ambulance. Hope started screaming for Bo, and they told her to shut up. Hope couldn’t understand why they were doing this to her, and they told her that she didn’t need to understand why; she just needed to tell Larry that she loved him, marry him, and be the perfect wife. Hope said she didn’t believe Larry was behind this and threatened to tell Larry everything. They warned her that if she did that, Bo was as good as dead. They also told her to get ready to tell Bo that she didn’t love him and to say goodbye.

Hope rushed into Larry’s office and told him she loved him and wanted to marry him. Hope said that she hated Bo for kidnapping her, and some men helped rescue her and took good care of her until she could be brought back. Larry was stunned but thrilled that Hope was back. Gwen went to comfort Larry and was not thrilled to see Hope in his arms. A silver-haired man met with Will and Drew to make sure Hope had ended it with Bo. Will remarked that he didn’t know who or why, but someone was determined enough to do anything to make sure that Hope and Larry were married. Hope continued her act and told Larry how much she wanted to be married to him. Larry promised to marry her and said that he would make Bo pay. Hope hugged Larry and cried, realizing the sacrifice she was going to be making to protect Bo.

Melissa met Pete in the park and told him that Bo was injured in jail. Speed showed up and started mouthing off to Pete about Melissa. He reminded Pete that the Vipers told him not to hang around with Melissa. The two got into a shouting match, and Speed pulled a knife on Pete. Mickey showed up and grabbed Speed while Pete grabbed the knife. Mickey wanted Speed’s real name, and Pete said it was Marvin. Speed told Pete he would kill him for telling that. Speed left, and Mickey reminded Pete that he was told by the court and by Chris to stay away from the Vipers. He also reminded Melissa that she was told by the Horton family to stay away from Pete. Mickey asked Melissa to tell the truth about her relationship with Pete and any other Viper. Melissa denied seeing anyone other than Carlo, and Mickey told her they were going to have lunch together. Melissa went to the Park Café and saw Carlo and Speed exchanging money. Melissa questioned Carlo about it, and Carlo told her Speed was just making change for him. When Mickey arrived, Melissa asked Carlo to hold her hand so Mickey would see them together.

Melissa lied to Mickey that she was only dating Carlo. Mickey told Melissa that he was going to notify Pete’s parents that he was associating with the Vipers again, and Melissa was unable to convince him not to do that. Mickey approved of Melissa’s “relationship” with Carlo and encouraged her to go out with him again. Melissa found Pete and told him what Mickey said. Pete said he felt like leaving town but couldn’t leave Melissa. He wasn’t happy when Melissa suggested seeing Carlo again to keep her parents off her back. Melissa went to the Curtis house to see Carlo. Liz let her in and got Carlo for her. Liz told Carlo that she and Neil were definitely going to buy Doug’s Place and needed to come up with a name for the club. Melissa asked Carlo to go out with her again. He didn’t like the idea but finally agreed to do it.

Anna told Alex she had a plan to get Tony back. She asked Alex to telephone her and pretend to be Andre. She figured if she could appear upset enough, Tony would take her into his care. Alex agreed, on the condition that Anna would try to convince Tony to work with Alex on the screenplay. Anna agreed. Tony met Anna at Shenanigans, and she told him someone was harassing her over the phone. While they were talking, someone phoned for Anna. She and Tony went to the phone, and Alex was laughing on the other end. Tony told Anna it was probably Andre, and he agreed to let her stay at the penthouse with him.

Hope asked Alice to go with her to see Bo. Then she received a phone call from one of the thugs, warning her that if she didn’t break up with Bo, then Alice would be hurt next. Diane and Howie were with Bo when Alice arrived. Bo was groggy but waking up. Hope was allowed to see him, and she told Bo she had come to her senses and was going to marry Larry. Bo kept pressing her for the truth about what was going on, so Hope laid it on thick about not forgiving him for his hurtful words to her. She told him she hated him and to leave her alone. Bo fought the pain and forced himself out of bed to try to get to her. Hope ran out of the room in tears, and Alice went to help Bo. Diane ran after Hope. Later, Howie tried to cheer up a dejected Bo.

Pete met Melissa at Tom and Alice’s house while everyone was away. She told him that she scheduled a date with Carlo, and he wasn’t too happy about it. Melissa also told him that Maggie was considering sending her to a performing-arts school in the summer, but it would only be two hours away. Pete told Melissa he would try to see her if he could, but Melissa seemed torn about going if it meant being away from Pete. Larry arrived and told Melissa to get her bridesmaid dress ready, because he and Hope would be getting married tomorrow.

Hope was alone at the Horton house when Diane showed up to speak to her. Diane was angry at Hope for treating Bo the way she did. She told Hope that even if Hope didn’t love him, she needed to know that Bo loved her and didn’t deserve to be hurt the way Hope hurt him. Hope asked Diane to leave, and Diane called Hope trash. She told her that she didn’t deserve Bo, and Hope slammed the door after Diane left. Larry downed some drinks at Shenanigans, then called Hope after midnight to ask her if she was sure she wanted to go through with the wedding. Hope had to say yes. When she hung up, she cried out, “Oh, Bo.” In the hospital, Bo remembered Hope telling him that she hated him. The next morning, Hope told Melissa she didn’t know if she could go through with the wedding. Larry arrived, and Melissa left the room. Larry apologized for calling her when he had had a lot to drink. He told her he was suffering from pre-wedding jitters and just wanted to make sure she wasn’t wanting to call off the wedding herself. Hope told Larry she thought they should put off the wedding. She started explaining that she was unsure of herself, too young, etc. Hope was almost hysterical as she started raising her voice and listing reasons why she and Larry should postpone the wedding when, suddenly, Larry slapped her across the face!
June 12-14, 1984

Hope & Larry’s Wedding – 6/12/84 pt. 1

Hope & Larry’s Wedding – 6/12/84 pt. 2

Hope & Larry’s Wedding – 6/12/84 pt. 3

Hope & Larry’s Wedding – 6/12/84 pt. 4

Pete & Melissa – 6/14/84 pt. 1

Bo & Diane – 6/14/84

Before the wedding, Melissa went to the hospital to see Bo. She wanted him to call Hope and told him she felt Hope was marrying Larry for a wrong reason. Bo refused to make the phone call. In the bridal room before the wedding, Tom and Alice began to doubt Hope’s love for Larry. They both counseled Hope that it wasn’t too late to cancel the wedding, and that it would be wrong to marry Larry just to get revenge against Bo. There was a knock at the door, and it was one of the thugs with Hope’s bouquet. Hope finally convinced Tom and Alice that she was fully prepared to be Larry’s wife. Melissa kept pressing Bo to call Hope, but he used the phone to call Diane. He invited her to come to the hospital and hang out with him. Melissa was upset with Bo, but Bo told Melissa that he and Hope were finished and he wanted nothing to do with that “selfish, spoiled brat.” Melissa gave up, called Bo a jerk, and walked out. Melissa went back to the church and remarked that Hope looked sad. Hope called it nervousness and thanked Melissa for being her best friend. Maggie gave Hope her best wishes, and Tom prepared to walk her down the aisle. Maggie and Melissa made their way to the front of the church. The bride’s music began, but there was no bride. People in the audience started whispering, and Larry began to get very nervous.

Hope started to panic and told Tom she couldn’t go through with the wedding. Tom asked a stranger to get her a glass of water. The man brought the water and asked Hope if he could do anything for her; it was one of the thugs who kidnapped her. Tom reminded Hope that she could back out if that was what she wanted. Hope recovered and told Tom she was as ready as she ever would be. Larry was relieved when Tom and Hope finally made it down the aisle. The minister asked Hope if she was ready to become Larry’s wife, forsaking all others. Hope fainted, and Larry caught her. Tom looked after Hope, who insisted she just felt hot and dizzy. She insisted that they continue with the wedding. Hope and Larry said their vows, and Liz sang. The minister announced the couple as Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welch. As soon as Hope reached the foyer, she grabbed a glass of champagne, gulped it down, and started on a second one. Larry cautioned her to take it easy after she started working on a third glass as Larry’s brother toasted the couple. Maxwell Hathaway congratulated Larry on what was sure to be a successful career. Hope excused herself and downed yet another glass of champagne.

Hope was ready to drink more champagne when Larry told her it was time to go. Hope agreed but dreaded the thought of spending her wedding night with her new husband. She threw the bouquet, and Anna caught it. Anna hurried over to show Tony and asked if he knew what it signified. Tony told her it signified she was to be the next bride, but not who the next bridegroom would be. He walked away, and Anna replied, “Oh, I know what it signifies, all right.” Larry and Hope went to the bridal room. She told him she wanted to take a nap, but he insisted they needed to get going. He told her she could sleep in the limo on the way to the hotel. Larry offered to help Hope remove her dress, but she told him she could manage. Larry gave her 10 minutes to get ready, then left. An upset Hope shoved a vase of flowers off a table and onto the floor. Alice went to see Bo at the hospital and ran into Don, who had met with Bo about his defense. Don left, and Alice admitted to Bo that Hope and Larry got married. Alice apologized to Bo for raising his expectations about Hope. She said she was wrong and felt responsible for Bo being hurt. Bo told Alice it wasn’t her fault. Alice told Bo she was going to ask to testify on his behalf as a character witness. “If you and your old man ever split up, will you marry me?” asked Bo. “In a minute,” replied Alice.

In their honeymoon suite, Hope was acting standoffish toward Larry. He told her it was normal for brides to be nervous on the wedding night and reassured her that they would not make love until she was ready. “No, Larry!” Hope shouted. She apologized for the way that sounded, but Larry put her at ease. Hope suggested going for a walk, then went to the bathroom to change her clothes. Larry phoned Gwen and told her that he and Hope were married and now were staying at the Largemont Inn. He said he learned that Hope was taken away from Bo and forced to marry him, and he asked if she had found out who picked up Hope from Maggie’s barn. Gwen still didn’t know, and Larry told her to find out. He slammed the phone down as Hope returned to the room. She asked why he was angry, but Larry lied that the phone call was about their meal. Later that evening, Larry pushed Hope to make love with him, and Hope shoved him away. “No, Larry,” she said. “I don’t love you. I’ve never loved you, Larry. Don’t you understand that? They forced me to come back to you.” “Who forced you, Hope?” “They forced me to marry you!” “Hope, tell me who.” “They said if I didn’t marry you, they’d kill Bo!” “Hope . . . .” “Don’t touch me! Larry, it’s your fault! Your fault that . . . !” “Hope, please, just . . . .” “Just stop and leave me alone! Because I will not make love to you!” “Fine!” “Larry, I hate you. Don’t you see? I love Bo! I’ve always loved him, Larry!”

Melissa and Pete met up at Shenanigans. Pete told her that Mickey and his father had a terrible argument, and it was unlikely that the two of them could keep seeing each other very easily. They agreed to keep their relationship going, no matter what. The two went out back to the alley, and Pete invited Melissa to his 18th birthday party that was to be thrown by the Vipers. Melissa asked if this would make her a “Viper girl,” and Pete assured her that she was no “Viper girl.” The two kissed but were interrupted by Bo, Diane, and Eugene. Bo, who had been drinking, was sarcastic with Melissa and asked if she had a nice time at the wedding. Melissa apologized for going to the hospital, and Bo kept yelling at her to stay out of his life. Melissa tried to talk, but Bo kept interrupting her. He told her he wanted no more news bulletins about Mrs. Larry Welch. Even though Melissa didn’t react, Bo’s anger continued to escalate. He told Melissa that she was just like her cousin – nosy and spoiled – when Pete finally stepped between them and told Bo he was out of line. Bo told Pete he was ready for him, because he had been looking for a fight all day. Eugene encouraged Bo to leave. Melissa apologized again, but told Bo she only went to see him because she thought it was the right thing to do. She also told Bo that Hope did not look happy on her wedding day. Bo told Melissa that he had already received his “walking papers” from Hope, and he told her that her words hurt worse than his injuries he received in jail. Bo started to leave, and Melissa started to cry. Eugene asked Pete to forget about what Bo said, and Pete said he wouldn’t go after someone who was down. Bo stopped and turned around. He said that maybe Pete should have. Bo went back and hugged Melissa, told her he was sorry, and then left.

Eugene and Diane talked with Bo about his defense strategy. Bo said his only hope was finding a witness who saw him and Hope in the park when they were talking and kissing, and could testify that she was with him willingly. Eugene asked if Roman could help, but Bo didn’t want to involve Roman. Eugene also suggested that Bo could ask Hope to drop the kidnapping charges. Bo became upset and talked about how foolish he was, how he always thought he could never settle down with one woman, and how he allowed himself to face a felony rap because he loved Hope Williams. Bo told Eugene and Diane that he now hated Hope more than he had ever hated another person. Diane took Bo back to his apartment and insisted that he sleep in his bed. She also told Bo that she would be moving out the next day. Bo told her she had been a good friend, and she remarked that she had only been a good friend for a few days. Bo told her it meant a lot to him to have her as a friend and suggested he needed more than a friend. Diane wanted to sleep with Bo, but he told her he couldn’t treat her that way. Bo went out into the alley and kicked around some trash cans. “Damn you, Hope!” he yelled. “I am gonna cut you out of my life. I’m gonna forget about you, Hope! Fast!”
June 15, 1984

Tony & Anna – 6/15/84 pt. 1

Tony & Anna – 6/15/84 pt. 2

Pete & Melissa – 6/15/84 pt. 1

Pete & Melissa – 6/15/84 pt. 2

After opening the trash can and finding the flowers Andre supposedly sent to Anna, Daphne began to doubt Anna’s story of being harassed by Andre. Tony believed Anna was paranoid about Andre returning for her and wanted to give Anna a chance to confess. Anna wore warm clothes and commented that she had nothing cool to wear during summer weather. She dropped some hints, then asked if Tony had decided to invest in a certain designer’s company. Tony brushed her off. Daphne and Tony gave her a hard time about not having anything to wear, so Anna left and returned with an embarrassing outfit. “I look like I fell off a gypsy caravan,” Ann said. “Well, fortunately, darling,” replied Daphne, “you can carry that off.” While Anna was out of the room, Mr. Englesby arrived. Tony and Daphne greeted him.

Anna returned in another silly outfit and was surprised to see Mr. Englesby. Daphne explained that she was in the man’s shop, buying some flowers, when Anna’s photo fell out of her wallet and the man recognized her. The man again identified Anna as someone who recently bought flowers from him, then left. Daphne said she was going to her room, but asked Anna to stop by later to give her some tips on her own summer wardrobe. Tony asked Anna to admit that she bought some flowers, sent them to herself, and claimed that Andre did it. Anna denied that she faked Andre’s harassment, and she blamed Daphne for bribing the man and poisoning Tony’s mind against her. Tony informed Anna that he had more information from his investigation. Anna told Tony that she had only ever done anything out of love for him. Tony told her he was through with her deception, and he told her that the only person Anna ever loved was Anna. Tony told her he wanted her out of his home. She asked where she was supposed to go, and he suggested she had enough talents to figure that out. Tony left, and Anna vowed that she wouldn’t let their relationship go that easily. That evening, Tony arrived at Doug’s Place with Denise Corrington. Tony introduced his date to Liz, and the snooty Denise told Liz that her father was the governor and was a friend of Liz’s father, Kellam Chandler. Liz wasn’t impressed. Anna arrived after seeing Tony’s car out front, and she definitely wasn’t impressed to see Tony with a wealthy woman. Anna told Liz that she wasn’t staying at the penthouse any longer. Liz was surprised since Anna and Tony had seemed so happy together, then realized that Anna had been at Doug’s Place with Andre. Liz complimented Anna on her dress, and Anna laughed. Liz told her that she was headlining in Las Vegas in two weeks and needed something “kicky.” She asked to borrow Anna’s dress, and Anna asked if Liz would be willing to rent it. Anna told Liz that she was ready to be an independent woman and that she could do better than waiting tables for Alex at the Salem Inn.

Melissa told Pete she had decided not to go to dance camp. Pete wanted Melissa to sneak out with him during the birthday party Chris was going to throw for him, so they could go to the Vipers party together. Melissa said it would be nice being somewhere “without parents,” and Maggie overheard that part of the conversation. Melissa told her she was talking about not having parental reminders to do homework during the summer. Melissa told Maggie she didn’t want to go to camp, and Maggie was disappointed for her. Chris asked Pete to go camping for a week and suggested it helps women to miss men when they’re away for that long. Melissa was bothered when she saw Carlo hand an envelope to Speed. Mickey and Maggie were invited to Pete’s birthday party, and Mickey and Pete’s father were civil to each other. Carlo was ready to bolt, but Melissa asked him to wait so the three of them could leave together.

Mickey confronted Melissa about not going to dance camp. He was upset about her decision and knew it was because she didn’t want to be away from Pete. Mickey told her that as long as he and Maggie couldn’t keep her from seeing Pete, they were at least going to set ground rules for her. Melissa, Pete, and Carlo went to the Vipers party. Speed told Carlo that the weapons Carlo paid for would be ready in three weeks. Melissa saw some people using drugs at the party. She told Pete, and he agreed that they should leave. They grabbed Carlo and were trying to get outside when the police arrived.
June 18-20, 1984

Pete & Melissa – 6/18/84

Hope & Larry’s Honeymoon – 6/18/84

Pete & Melissa – 6/19/84

Pete & the Vipers – 6/19/84

Pete & Melissa/Hope – 6/20/84 pt. 1

Pete & Melissa/Hope – 6/20/84 pt. 2

Pete, Melissa, and Carlo were unable to leave the Vipers party before the police arrived. When an officer realized that Melissa didn’t seem like she belonged there, he asked her how she got involved with the Vipers. Melissa said she really wasn’t with them. When an officer found drugs, he ordered everyone to go down to the police station for questioning. Melissa was in shock that she was getting caught up in the situation. Pete apologized to her. At the station, Marlena heard about the drug bust as she walked into the hallway. She was stunned to see Pete and Melissa there. Melissa told Marlena what happened, but insisted that she, Pete, and Carlo were innocent of doing anything wrong. Marlena told Melissa that Mickey and Maggie had to be told. Melissa begged Marlena not to call them, but Marlena said she had to and reminded Melissa of how serious the situation was. She told Melissa that she could go to jail, Pete could get in trouble for violating his probation, and Carlo could lose his visa. Mickey and Maggie arrived, and Maggie wanted to know if Melissa was with Pete or Carlo. Melissa admitted that Pete was her real date. Mickey was furious and blamed Pete for dragging Melissa into this. Melissa told Mickey that she saw who had the drugs. Speed warned Pete that if Melissa talked, Melissa and Pete would both be sorry. Roman wasn’t happy to learn that Pete and Melissa were at the Vipers party. Later, when Melissa told Pete that Mickey would take care of everything, Pete disagreed and told her that Mickey wouldn’t be able to take care of everything.

Hope was furious with Larry and blamed him for her being forced into the marriage. Larry asked how he was responsible for anything, and Hope reminded him that he was being backed by people who would do anything to get what they wanted. Larry told Hope there was no proof that his backers were behind it, but she refused to listen to him. Hope told Larry she hated him and to stay away from her. After demolishing a few flower vases, Hope locked herself in the bathroom. Larry got angry and told her to call him at the bar when she was ready to talk like an adult. Larry returned later and started to clean up the mess. He wished out loud that he had chosen Gwen instead of Hope. Larry went to the bathroom to talk to Hope, but she was gone. He decided to go find her and talk some sense into her.

The police kept pressuring Melissa to name names, so she finally named two of the Vipers who were using drugs. Later, Speed confronted Pete and warned him that the Sabers and Warriors would come down hard on the Vipers after this bust-up. He also warned that the Vipers might want revenge for Melissa’s testimony in order to “cover her butt.” Pete told Speed that Melissa didn’t talk to cover herself; he explained that she just tells the truth when asked. Pete also wondered if Melissa wanted to protect Carlo . . . and him. Speed reminded Pete of how they met, when Pete hardly had clothes on his back. The Vipers took him in, gave him warm clothes, and looked after him. Pete and Speed shared some fond memories of their friendship. Then Tess arrived and got into a shouting match with Speed. After the two insulted each other, Tess warned Pete that he could soon be a dead man.

Mickey went to see Chris to discuss the situation with Pete. While they were talking, Tess and Pete showed up. Tess stood up for Pete and told Mickey that Pete had never used drugs. Mickey refused to listen to either one of them. He told Pete, “I was on the verge of accepting the fact that it was kind of pointless to keep you and Melissa apart. But you were supposed to live by the rules that we set down so you could see Melissa this summer. But you blew it! And now I’m not going to let you come near Melissa, even for one second.” Pete begged Mickey to give him another chance, but Mickey blew him off and left the house. As Mickey was leaving, Pete yelled out, “You don’t understand! I . . . !” Chris asked Pete to finish the sentence and tell how he really felt about Melissa, but Pete said Melissa was dumb and cost him a lot of misery. Chris told Pete that he was beginning to realize that Pete really wasn’t a Viper anymore. Pete said he would always be a Viper and left. He went back to see Speed and told him he probably wouldn’t be seeing Melissa again. Speed said that was great, and it would be just like the old days again.

Pete tried to call Melissa, but he hung up when Maggie answered the phone. Maggie was frustrated and told Melissa she wanted Pete to stop calling. Melissa blew up at Maggie, and Maggie began to feel some empathy for Melissa’s position. Hope dropped by to see Melissa. She admitted to Melissa that Pete wasn’t one of her favorite people and that she had always been a little afraid of him. Melissa asked what it was like not to be a virgin anymore and wanted to know what Larry was really like. Hope described him as “the most romantic, gentle, loving man in the world. He’s everything I could ever imagine.” But she was daydreaming about being with Bo after he kidnapped her from the first wedding attempt. Melissa received a phone call from Pete, who told her to meet him by the boat docks. Maggie interrupted the cousins and reminded Hope that her wedding gifts were still upstairs waiting to be opened. Hope said she would open them later. Maggie congratulated Hope on her new apartment that Larry’s secretary had picked out for the couple. Melissa said she was dying to see Hope’s new apartment.

Don dropped by to see Maggie and told Hope that he had seen Bo, who was preparing for the upcoming trial. Hope lied that Bo deserved what he was getting for kidnapping her. Melissa pretended to go with Hope to see the new apartment, but she really met up with Pete on the boat docks. Pete told her that Chris was expecting him to go camping for his birthday. Melissa and Pete admitted that they had to be together, and Pete even talked about finding a place of their own. Speed showed up and interrupted the two. Melissa stepped aside, and Speed told Pete the Vipers needed him for an upcoming “council” with the Warriors. Pete told Speed he couldn’t make it because of the camping trip. Speed made a harsh comment and left. Bo then arrived, and Pete and Melissa asked him not to tell anyone he saw them together. Bo was drinking and being sarcastic again. He said he wouldn’t tell anyone . . . after all, he was all for love and romance.