
I hate to say it, but I feel Chase may fight the charges. It's pretty clear we haven't seen the last of both Aiden and Andre. Everyone keeps mentioning the face like make up, I think Aiden is Andre. Andre might be really dead and Aiden is sitting locked up in jail where he should be and maybe he runs into Chase.

Andre never gives a thought of anyone but himself. Andre was fatherly to Chase and even if his "son" committed rape, he wanted to hide him out. Goes to show Aiden's character. I don't know what the writers will do, but I see it.
Guess we see what we want to see, as I don't even remotely see any such thing. Chase can attempt to fight the charges all he wants, but he will have additional ones before long is my guess.

Sorry, but we all saw Andre in the bldg that was blown up, saw him come out, saw him bleeding profusely, and getting a doc to come over to stitch him up. Big deal that he touches his face. People touch areas where they are wounded in some manner all the time, during the healing process.

Can I say that while facial reconstruction is possible, one cannot change the voice, the hairline, fingerprints, etc. etc. Nor blood type. Not that any of that has come into play.

In my opinion, Andre' was kind to Chase because he served a purpose, a plan that Andre' formulated. He was going to use Chase, got him to trust him, but got a bit taken aback when Chase just went too far with his "love" for Ciara. So Andre' gave him a place to sleep, until they saw how things would go. and while Andre' himself was the one who pestered the police about Stefano being dead, he just never figured he would be blamed.
Heck, we have had actors return to play a different character before. It is called recast, and has happened several times. Doesn't bother me about the Chris character, wasn't watching then and it was a long, long time ago.
In the case of Aiden, though, Daniel Cosgrove (Aiden) has been filming, & Thaao Penghlis (Andre') is still in the credits. Heck, Aiden could be "imagination", too.

That said, there was a really neat story on GL once, wherein there were 3 female ghosts, all mothers - various ages - of characters of various ages, all the mothers who had died, and they came back together to "fix" the problems in their children's lives, and were successful. The show even had it all happen around Mother's Day.
That is sort of neat...

That is how I would like to see Aiden....and Jack return. to help their family. Jack to get Jen back on the right path, and to vanquish Ben for Abby. Aiden could be talking to Chase, getting him back on the right path, and out from under the influence of Andre'. This all is IF they were ghosts. Actually I would rather there was a huge mistake in re: Jack, and as speculated, that the DiMeras created another clone, like they did with Rafe, while Aiden is being held somewhere in that vast set of tunnels. Maybe Chase could find him????
I am so ashamed as a Hope fan with the way she is treating Chase. Granted she should be angry as hell that he raped her daughter, but he is deeply sorry for what he did, and for her to completely disown him like this is not like her at all. And given that she's committed murder and got away with it, she really has no room to pass judgment on anybody else this harshly. I'm hoping that Aiden is returning to not only help his disturbed son but to also knock Hope off her high horse.

Hope's treatment of Chase reminds me of how cold Marlena was towards Brady when he was SORASed and played by Kyle Lowder.

I can't get over the way Hope treats Claire like any of the other teens instead of like her granddaughter!

She hasn't given Aiden a second thought nor has she bothered to look into why he suddenly tried to kill her on their wedding night. And look at the way she's treating Chase. I'm not surprised that Hope acts as though she and Claire were never related.
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The Salem PD (Rafe) stated, within a day or two, that the beneficiary for Hope's huge ins. policy had been changed to Aiden, & without her knowledge. Admittedly it was not discussed, just a fact thrown out, with no comments by anyone. Hope already knew that he was in some kind of financial trouble, gave him $100,000 no questions.

In regard to Chase, Hope has expressed how she failed him, should have seen him going off the rails, etc. But right now, she is between a rock & a hard place. How could she possibly be sympathetic to him, without looking as though she is abandoning her daughter who is definitely suffering, acting out, etc.

Chase made choices, and knew very well the evil that the DiMeras had done, yet willingly went with Andre', listened to him, & thus, went after Ciara. Chase knew better, but, for the moment, ignoring what he knew to be the right thing. NO means no. Instead he raped Ciara, but ran out...kinowing he had done wrong, ashamed of himself. And he runs to Andre'...oh, poor me, she said no, but I ignored it. And Andre' smiles, wickedly, & takes over. Just as if Satan was grinning from ear to ear, having drawn in another formerly righteous soul.

Chase may be repenant, he sounds as though he is, but he cannot expect to be treated well. I do agree that there are others in Salem, who have done wrong, & covered it up. Andre' is in jail accused of killing Stefano. No, he did not do it. But what of all the other absolutely horrible crimes of which he is guilty, but managed to escape any sort of punishment.
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I don't understand why Chase hasn't given Andre up yet? I'd love to see the expression on Hope's face when Chase mentions the advice Andre gave him and what it in part caused. Hope would be crushed no doubt by the fact she basically sacrificed her daughter's care free existence for revenge against the Dimera Family.
Hope did say she failed Chase, failed to see him going off the rails. The rock & hard place comment was MINE.

That's all well and good that Hope said that, but I'm not seeing her do much else about it (reach out to Chase with some shred of mercy for this young man she supposedly took in as her own, actively seek out professional help not just solely for her daughter but for her step-son too). Chase raping Ciara was wrong no ifs ands or buts about it. I'm not saying that Hope should coddle Chase, but she shouldn't shut him out completely and leave him to the wolves like she seems to be doing. And at least this stepchild of hers is remorseful for what he did.
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@ MissDiLlY I agree, Hope should have made sure Chase gets the mental health help he so desperately needs before cutting all ties with the boy. Two lines in which she said something like this -

"I know you are sick Chase but I cannot forgive what you've done to Ciara, however I will make sure you receive the mental health treatment you obviously need. I'm sorry things turned out the way they did, for all of us."

Such a statement would have made everything much better in my view.
Oh that is being too kind to the boy. Yes, Hope took him into her home and tried to help him over and over. But her first concern is her daughter. Someone else at the station should be helping the boy, not her.

Hope has said a number of times to Rafe that it could be her fault Chase is messed up and Rafe assured her it is not and it is not her fault. Hope has talked to Chase and said how unhappy she is with it all. (when they were at the station)
Says Rafe the same man who has no issues whatsoever covering up the most serious of crimes. The only reason Chase is paying for his crime is because he victimized a Brady. If Chase had raped somebody else, especially somebody the members of the Salem PD felt "deserved it", there would be no charges filed. Of that I am certain. The hypocrisy demonstrated by certain members of the Salem PD, Roman, I'm looking at you, is sickening.
I have repeatedly warned Hope about putting a non-related teen (? :rolleyes:) couple in a living arrangement that provides privacy. But, she refused to follow my advice! :( Hope may be unable to avoid being called "grandma," this time.