
I also thought it was funny how Abby was so sickened by what Chase did but she seemed to forget dear old daddy Jack raped Kayla. I see where Chase gets arrested again next week, I hope that concludes his story. They ruined him so he should just leave the show. I am tired but of this story.
It IS hard to believe that Griffith is a long time Days viewer, and has been aching to be able to write for the show. Back history has been ignored, personalities changed, strong character traits thrown by the wayside.
Agreed about Roman, with him, it's not what you did, it's who you are. If you're Chase, he's going to prison but if you're Hope, she will get away with murder. Hope should write a book combining the 80's murder mystery series and her life, she can call it Murder, I Hope! :sarcasm:
And because he's the offspring of "evil" Aiden. :rolleyes: What's that old saying about the sins of the father?
The whole Jennings family has been thrown under the bus. Aiden, a respectable lawyer, was turned into a mad, necktie killer wannabe, so Bo and Hope could have their tragic reunion. And now it's Chase so that Teen Ciara can experience an existential crisis and Hope can play the outraged mother. (If the writers had wanted Hope to be effective as the wronged mother, they shouldn't have turned her into a cold-blooded killer. Sure, her victim was the evil Phoenix, but it was still murder.) Finally, regarding the pathetic teen rapist/purse-snatching Chase, what are the writers going to do next, have him go over to Salem Tie City, buy a dozen, and then start copying dear old dad?
Well, the writers could have Chase and Ciara share a bottle of wine, some laughs and a half-baked apology. Then Ciara can be madly in love and go around Salem proclaiming he's her sweet changed smoochy-moochy. :sarcasm:
I wonder if Ciara will take things in her own hands now that Chase is out and Salem PD can't seem to help. Possibly a Sami shooting Alan in the genitals repeat?
Well, the writers could have Chase and Ciara share a bottle of wine, some laughs and a half-baked apology. Then Ciara can be madly in love and go around Salem proclaiming he's her sweet changed smoochy-moochy. :sarcasm:

I sincerely hope not, a Sami/EJ retread is about the only way this storyline could get any worse at this point.
It IS hard to believe that Griffith is a long time Days viewer, and has been aching to be able to write for the show. Back history has been ignored, personalities changed, strong character traits thrown by the wayside.

I get the impression from his interviews that he was a fan of Steve/Kayla and John/Marlena amd Bo/Hope and that's about it. Reflects in his writing though he fails to include the other generations tied to these characters in his storytelling. He does it somewhat with Joey but given how Kayla is on almost every day of the week, Stephanie should be in Salem as well. And he has done a horrible job with the Black family overall. I had been hoping he'd rectify the Brady/Marlena gap but he has continued down the Brady/pseudo-mom Maggie path.

Hope seems to be under the control of Dena Higley. Though I think Griffith wrote the Bo/Hope reunion stuff in November.
And we know Higley loves Ava/Tamara Braun, which messed up the Steve/Kayla stuff. Again, a case of not having a unified vision.

Back to Chase - poor kid, under Griffith, is seen as an evil outsider to the Great Bo and Hope Love Story. Logic's out the window. What we saw 2 months ago is out the window. Bring on the plot points.
I know, since Hope didn't care about Chase and didn't bother letting him have a funeral for his father, Andre borrowed from Vivian Alamain's book and buried Aiden alive until he needed him again. Maybe the producers should hire me as a writer.
I must have missed that confirmation.
Hope seems to be under the control of Dena Higley.

Well, obviously. LOL

Maybe that is why they are bringing Aiden back, maybe he is the lawyer in Chicago that bailed Chase out. He probably blames Hope for what Chase did.

If he does, can't say I'd blame him. I hope Aiden gives it to Hope with both barrels. And when it's discovered that the DiMeras had a hand in his sudden change on their wedding night, and Chase being manipulated into further going off the deep end, Hope forgives Aiden and Chase, and so does Ciara. And the rebuilding of Hope and Aiden's romance commences, with Aiden eventually re-softening towards Hope. Of course it shouldn't be done overnight, but at a believable slow pace. With Rafe as the jealous intrusive third wheel.
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